Ulead video studiogreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I have Ulead video studio 4.0 and i can make Mpeg 1 fine-please tell me if i can make Mpeg 2 with Interleaved video at increased bit rates frame size etc,sorta like SVCD quality.Can someone tell me if Ulead/v/s 4.0 is up to it or is it only good for AVI Mpeg 1.
I just want to make better video from S-VIDEO source connection and i want the ease of use of the Ulead software combined with better than Mpeg 1 video-just to get rid of those artifacts? you know what i mean those "Suares" (inherant in Mpeg 1 video) in the picture would be acceptable to me.
Please someone let me know-but you must realise that i want to stick with Ulead video studio 4.0 as i like it in every way except the Mpeg 1 could be a little better.
Please help.
-- melinda matre (mel_linda@hotmail.com), December 23, 2000
I love Ulead Studio 4.0, But I upgraded to 5.0 for the mpeg2 and the new features. all the old fetures are still there. Just a whole bunch on new quality features.
-- Dwayne (ddilbeck@yahoo.com), April 02, 2001.