copying vcd to hard : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
i just wanted to ask how to copy a vcd on to hard disk .
-- karan babuta (, December 22, 2000
all u have 2 do is copy the dat.file in mpeg folder to your hard disk.
-- mike (, December 23, 2000.
copying the *.dat file is only 50% of the work. WMP will play the *.dat file fine without any issue. However, if you are planning to encode this file to another format, then you may have a problem at that. The *.dat is almost the same as *.mpg, but the file header is not the same! so *.dat is not equal to *.mpg. What you need to do is to use VCDGear2.0 to do the copying for you. This software is free and available at This software will take the *.dat from your VCD disc, and convert it back to *.mpg for you. It is fast and effortless.
-- lnguyen (, December 23, 2000.
If you copy the *.DAT out of the MPEGAV folder onto your HDD, you can then rename the *.DAT to say PART1.mpg - this works fine for me in most cases, and allows you to recreate the format using Adaptec EasyCD creator for reformating to VCD again.If you want the software and a guide on how to do it, email me...
-- The Boss (, September 25, 2001.