Snoring : LUSENET : digital ink : One Thread

What do you do when someone snores (to make them stop, hopefully)?

-- Anonymous, December 22, 2000


My roommate snores, and I either hit the wall (a la Katie), or loudly say her name and then pretend to be asleep when she wakes up. Her bed was also right by mine, and hers wiggled, so I would hit the bed until she shut up.

-- Anonymous, December 22, 2000

My roommate throws pillows at me. She says I only snore once in a while..but when I do that's what she does. She talks in her sleep and I talk back and she shuts up.

-- Anonymous, December 22, 2000

my boyfriend always snores & louder and louder it persists throughout his sleep.. i usually pinch him really really hard on his arm, but sometimes he is so dead to the world that he doesn't feel it, so i will hold his nose and mouth closed and that usually unclogs his "snoring-passage-thingie" and he'll shuttup for a few minutes. if that doesn't work, i usually try and roll him on his side. i heard once from a science teacher that we get more air intake when we sleep on our sides, and that usually does the trick if all else fails.

-- Anonymous, December 22, 2000

Oh, I forgot -- last year, my roommate snored, and I had this gun, which was a suction-cup dart gun. I'd shoot her in her sleep, and she'd stop. In the morning, I'd get the darts before she woke up. Hahahahaa.....

-- Anonymous, December 23, 2000

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