I fell into a time warpgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
I fell into a timewarp and I can't get out. Is it Dec. 1999 or Dec. 2000?Subject: Crashed econ, no jobs, bankruptcies, etc.... Posted By: Dennis Olson (Registered User) Posted At: 12/21/00 9:26:00 am From IP: Let me tell ya folks, this cr*p I've been reading in the past few weeks is starting to scare the hell outta me. I remember the oil embargo of the 70's, and the economic mayhem stemming from it, that lasted halfway through Reagan's 8 years. 12 years of economic misery.
I also remember the recession of 91/92 that brought slick into "power". Wife and I lost everything in that one.
What I saw then, I'm starting to see now: recession (SOON!), ENORMOUS energy prices rippling through the economy, causing company closings, mass layoffs, MUCH higher prices for goods and services (I'd call it inflation, but technically that term doesn't apply), and increasing numbers of bankruptcies.
All this is causing consomer confidence to drop like a stone. And THAT is what drives the economy (as we all know). If people stop buying, the companies making our products gotta stop production. The stock market starts to fall, and the unease and anxiety feeds on itself, and becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy (gee, where have we heard THAT before!)
I think that what we're seeing is the beginning of a decade-long economic disaster, the FIRST ONE seen by the younger adults out there. These folks, having NO IDEA what a real recession is like, will freak out, adding still more fuel to the burning pyre of economic chaos.
My feelings: IF the markets and economy do NOT stabilize (ESPECIALLY the stock markets) VERY SOON (as in by the end of January), we are in for a down-spiral that'll make the 70's look tame.
Preps.... Food, FUEL, heat. If you've allowed your levels to drop, NOW is the time to resupply. Now, while you still have a job.
You see, I don't think of Y2K failures in terms of basic infrastructure anymore. I think of them in terms of delayed economic disaster on a world-wide scale. If you have no job, you STILL can't get food, just as if the supply-chain was destroyed. The only difference is that the gov't will take NO ACTION AT ALL to "help" you.
I see it coming, and I'm afraid. Very afraid...
-- (Ghost@Christmas.Past), December 22, 2000
Dennis, it's simple. Blow yer freakin' brains out.
-- Lars (lars@onemain.com), December 22, 2000.
Down Lars...Be nice. Dennis gotta have somethin to 'fret' over.
I believe we are gonna see some problems, but geez, they are talking bout the Martial Law over there again.
Me, I got enough to worry bout.
-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 22, 2000.
Me thinks just plain warped will do.
-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), December 22, 2000.
The only difference is that the gov't will take NO ACTION AT ALL to "help" you.I think that he just realized that the Republicans won the election. :<)
Best Wishes,,,,
-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), December 22, 2000.
I think that he just realized that the Republicans won the election. :<)Best Wishes,,,,
no truer words have ever been spoken.
-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 22, 2000.
Let's do the time warp again.......
-- (Frank@'n.furter), December 22, 2000.
"It's just a jump to the left.....and then you step to the right....."
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), December 22, 2000.
I'm sorry, but, "Looting Soccer Moms"?!?!?
Does the insanity ever end?
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), December 22, 2000.
Paricia--What kind of a weirdo is doing the dance? He has a different kind of shoe on each foot.
-- Lars (lars@onemain.com), December 22, 2000.
Lars, I take it you've never seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show, else you'd understand about the "weirdo" ;-) Here's the official web site: The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), December 22, 2000.