Info on C of G hospital : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Does anyone have info on the company hospital that was maintained in Savannah. IE, where located?, how many years in operation?(did it survive until the Southern takeover?), wholely owned by the CG?, any remaining buildings? , and any other tidbits. I have a couple of old employee magazines (1935 & 1947) and the hospital is mentioned prominately.

-- Greg Hodges (, December 22, 2000



The Central of Georgia's Hospital was located on Bull Street in Savannah. I believe that it was opened around 1927 or so. In September 1963, the CofGa's Board of Directors decided to close it. The property was given to the Candler Hospital and was used by them for a number of years. The main hospital building still exists today. It is now owned by Senior Citizens, Inc., and is used as a facility for their many programs that serve senior citizens in Savannah. A tour of the building was part of the October 1999 membership meeting of the CGRHS. The front portico still has "Central of Georgia Railway" engraved in the stonework.

Allen Tuten

-- Allen Tuten (, December 22, 2000.

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