Do you (anyone) have hands on, working experience with Olympus E-10? : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

Well, the "subject line" says it all. Well, mostly... I'm tired of using my Nikon 950 with my modeling lights, and want to sync to the strobes (catalog, some portrait for commercial websites). The E-10's file size and capture rate as advertised are adequate for my needs... and it has a normal, plain old pc sync! What? a concept?

Barring any "hands on, working" users at this forum, has anyone seen an online review? Thanks... t

-- tom meyer (, December 22, 2000


I haven't worked with the E-10 but I did handle it at the NYC Photo Show at the Javitz. The E-10 is a beauty, well built, easy to use and very quiet. Doesn't take microdrive. I'm looking forward to getting an E-10 and the Olympus 8x10 dye-sub printer. Olympus didn't have info on the camera at the show and they still do not have a full brochure on the E-10. The camera is selling in NYC for $1999.

-- jonathan delano (, December 22, 2000.

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