delectable doomer quotes: A new : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
(all DDQ's will be placed in the "tinfoil" category, where they belong!)As long as the rewriters of history try to make claims that TB2000 wasn't extreme, and claims that most people did NOT expect the worst, people like myself will post their own words to prove them wrong.
"I guess I made my reply a bit too short. It's interesting that the prediction of war (or U F O's or whatever) in the 7th day of the 7th month of 1999 is a month before the GPS rollover. AND, July of 1999 is when most
states will roll into their fiscal year 2000. I think the stock market will have crashed by then.
Again, I don't know what to make of Nostradamus. It's the fiscal year
2000 aspect and the GPS rollover that makes me think there's going to
be widespread panic about Y2K by next summer.
-- The D.J. (, October 27, 1998.""It's pretty clear at this point that the world as a whole is going to be burnt toast in 2000. The question is, will we just be "well done" here in the U.S., or will we be toast as well.
Kevin (, March 14, 1999."
go have a laugh!
(special guest appearance by OTFR!)
-- Archivist (keeper@of.truth), December 21, 2000
Yeah, very funny but how many people thought this way--a few thousand? They probably still do.
-- Lars (, December 21, 2000.
Yes. History will have much to say about Ed Yourdon and TB2000. Endless reams of history. Monographs will be written on the various shades of meaning of the word "toast". Concordances will be published to sort out all the commentaries on TB2000's extremism.I predict the "rewriters" will be vanquished by the "correcters" and the "citers". On behalf of posterity, thanks, Archivist! You will earn your share of mention in the footnotes of the great ones to come.
-- Brian McLaughlin (, December 21, 2000.
History will have nothing to say about Yourdon or TB2000.Would you buy FM's book? Naw, nobody cares and that's how it should be.
-- Carlos (, December 21, 2000.
I forgot to mention one thing:Kevin changed his handle to linkmeister. The combined total from the statistics page shows that places him 5th overall in he was NOT just a lurker.
Strangely enough, the stats page ends very short now. Does anyone have an older copy the could paste here?
-- Archivist (keeper@of.truth), December 21, 2000.
Archiver,I am looking back through the old forum for horrible things I have said so that I can post them, just to be helpful. Wow, what a rush. I am running into lots of names that I hadn't thought of in years and years. Funny how perceived danger builds such bonds among men.
-- Uncle Deedah (, December 21, 2000.
Archivist, sorry. Archivist.
-- Uncle Deedah (, December 21, 2000.
Paul Milnes post seems well said to me. Does this mean that he is not the verbal Anti-Christ Ive been lead to believe he is? Here is what logic tells me, a regular guy with no programming, and little computer experience (Got my first PC about 6-mos. ago) I do, however, have the capacity to observe and to think for myself. In any highly complex and interrelated system, a few minor problems are not a big deal. Once the failure rate passes a threshold (The more complex the system, the lower the threshold) things start to break down in an exponential manner. Minor failures start to stack up on top of one another faster than they can be dealt with, and the system fails as a whole. As related to Y2K, I dont know where this magical mark is, and I dont think anyone else does either. Up to a certain point, the Pollyanna outcome is likely, after that point the Doomer outcome is likely. I personally do not see much room for a middle ground."When you come to a fork in the road, take it." - Yogi Berra
BTW, in order to convince me all is well, dont worry about it? Ill believe it when I see it.
-- Uncle Deedah (, October 18, 1998.
-- Uncle Deedah (, December 21, 2000.
That still sounds reasonable Unc.Yogi Berra, the king of malapropisms and non-sequiters (all of which were probably carefully crafted in advance). Let's give him a standing ovulation.
-- Lars (, December 21, 2000.
This is kinda fun, thanks Archivist. I'd forgotten this one, not doomy, but fun....I posted it to a religious thread, hee hee!-------------------------------------------------------
Forgive me in advance please, but I ran across this, and, well, I can't resist. I am sitting here with the mouse on the submit button engaging in a contest of will with myself. OOOPS, sorry, I can't stop myself.
"I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump off. so I ran over and said "Stop! Don't do it!" "Why shouldn't I?" he said. I said, "Well, there's so much to live for!" He said, "Like what?" I said, "Well...are you religious or atheist?" He said, "Religious. "I said, "Me too! Are you Christian or Buddhist?" He said, "Christian." I said, "Me too! Are you Catholic or Protestant?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me too! Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?" He said, "Baptist!" I said, "Wow! Me too! Are you Baptist Church of God or Baptist Church of the Lord? "He said, "Baptist Church of God!" I said, "Me too! Are you original Baptist Church of God, or are you reformed Baptist Church of God?" He said, "Reformed Baptist Church of God!" I said, "Me too! Are you reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1879, or reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1915?" He said, "Reformed Baptist Church of God, reformation of 1915!" I said, "Die, heretic scum", and pushed him off." -- Emo Phillips
-- Uncle Deedah (, September 20, 1998.
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-- Uncle Deedah (, December 21, 2000.
Oh golly, the good old days when Arcy and I would go at it like rabid mandicoots....---------------------------------
"The wages of sin is death, but, by the time taxes are taken out, it is just a sort of tired, run down feeling."
Paula Poundstone
-- Uncle Deedah (, September 21, 1998.
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Deedah, you do enjoy living dangerously! To speak of God or the sacred scriptures, in an irreverent way, is BLASPHEMY, a grevious sin indeed. You have enough to answer for already, so why needlessly add to your sin debt?
-- Arcy (, September 21, 1998.
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-- Uncle Deedah (, December 21, 2000.
"My young son asked me what happens after we die. I told him we get buried under a bunch of dirt and worms eat our bodies. I guess I should have told him the truth--that most of us go to Hell and burn eternally--but I didn't want to upset him.""If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is 'God is crying.' And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is 'Probably because of something you did.'"
Jack Handey
-- Uncle Deedah (, September 22, 1998.
Hmmm.....upon reflection I'm not doing a very good job of finding horrible things I've said, maybe someone could help me?
-- Uncle Deedah (, December 21, 2000.
Nah, Unk, you maintained the ability the think throughout the debate and this seriously limited your entertainment value. Better you look for quotes from our old friend "a," the Paul Milne sychophant. [Strange times indeed, when a fringe lunatic like Milne actually developed a following.]You were also handicapped by a modicum of mental health. Think of the homophobic Andy, the xenophobic "Will Continue," and the just plain paranoid Ray.
You were too normal, Unk, too reasonable, too articulate. It is hard burden to bear, particularly in modern society, but don't give up hope.
-- Ken Decker (, December 21, 2000.
This is THE most appalling thing you ever said, Unk."Just a little stimulation on the breast huh? Sounds like a real time saver. "
-- Uncle Deedah (, December 21, 2000.
-- h (b@r.f), December 21, 2000.
Helen,ROTFLMAO.... but agreed!
-- (Sheeple@Greener.Pastures), December 21, 2000.
I shall try to carry on...
-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.con), December 22, 2000.
A man who defiantly drives an SUV in the face of oil and gas shortages, global warming, and Democrats should not economize in the bedroom!Some are born heroes, some are made heroes, and some of us hope to have heroes thrust upon us. Step up the task, Unk, and renounce your words!
-- helen (b@r.f), December 22, 2000.
Here's a good one...--------------------------------
All you polly assholes are going to DIE!!! DIE I SAY!!! And we will strip your rotting corpses of valuable items then feed the flesh to our starving dogs! Eat shit you DGIs, and die, die, DIE!!!! How dare you come to our forum and fill it with your filthy spew? Leave us alone!! I HATE YOU!!!
Uncle Deedah ( December 22, 2000
Wowsers! Musta been a bad hair day!
-- Uncle Deedah (, December 22, 2000.
Helen,and some of us hope to have heroes thrust upon us
Ok, thrust I shall. Are your boobies sensitive, or am I gonna have to work for it?
-- Uncle Deedah (, December 22, 2000.
I have nothing to add -- just want to say that Unk and Helen, I am going to buy you lots of beers some day.....
-- Patricia (, December 22, 2000.
"Work"?? "WORK"?! >:(
-- helen (b@r.f), December 22, 2000.
It's a date, Patricia. Best proposition I've seen all day.
-- helen (b@r.f), December 22, 2000.
Uncle,I shall try and keep this short. The quotes are meant for those who are still in denial about y2k and their "role" (however small). Kevin was always on the lookout for "people that are trying to stop others from preparing" (hah!) His was part of the TimeBomb Meme that eventually led to censorship of "wrong" thinking.
You won't find people like "a@a.a" being quoted by myself....they actually LEARNED something from being wrong (a lesson we ALL need a refresher in from time to time!) Bruce Sysman, King of Spain, etc. will also not be included. Nor your fine self, Uncle.
It is the Dianes, A&Ls, Lisas, Liptons, Milnes, etc. that will be the focus. The people who could not and would not LEARN from the experience. Much worse than just ignorance, they attacked others with open hostility, if only verbally (which is bad enough)
If my memory serves (and it usually does) the debunkers themselves declared you "far fallen from the doomer spaz tree". You didn't have the same extreme reaction that others did. In fact, you even are on record as stating "if the pollys want to collect a pound of flesh, let em. they deserve it" (not an exact quote)
Finally, it is most humorus for those of us that observed this entire online debacle to sift through the old statements, quotes, and predictions that some were so sure would come true. Its a good laugh at ignorance, and at the same time.... a good lesson that we (ALL of us) should never let this happen on the 'net again. Ever.
-- Archivist (keeper@of.truth), December 22, 2000.
Sheeeesh Uncle Dee Dah, you must have been a lil FORKED up that day.Ya know? :-)
Die, Die.....tooo funny, lmao.
-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 22, 2000.
Dear John Deedah,If I cannot sway your position on this issue, I cannot expect to heave you bodily from one position to another as dictated by need.
I shall always love you as a friend.
-- h (b@r.f), December 22, 2000.
You won't find people like "a@a.a" being quoted by myself....they actually LEARNED something from being wrong (a lesson we ALL need a refresher in from time to time!) Bruce Sysman, King of Spain, etc. will also not be included. Nor your fine self, Uncle.It is the Dianes, A&Ls, Lisas, Liptons, Milnes, etc. that will be the focus. The people who could not and would not LEARN from the experience.
May God grant you the wisdom to understand who has and who hasn't learned from this experience.
-- Reason (for@the.season), December 22, 2000.
well reason, who are you? are you one of the many who spouted doom-n-gloom last year; cheered on the censorship, then *very* quietly "slipped out"? If so, you have reason to remain anon.If the many doomers could have taken a lesson from "a" (who actually said 'maybe we should be trying to figure out why we got it so wrong') they wouldn't feel the need to slink off.
But then, after the way they treated people, I don't blame them. I would have changed my handle and snuck out too.
-- Archivist (Ancient Lurker) (keeper@of.truth (since.early.98)), December 22, 2000.
I cannot expect to heave you bodily from one position to another as dictated by need.Oh, you wouldn't need to heave me around, I would just lay on my back and read the comics while you do whatever it takes to satisfy your needs, just so long as I can reach my beer on the nightstand it's cool with me.
-- Uncle Deedah (, December 22, 2000.
'Confessions are so good for the soul' department.. For the past 20 months my many alter egos and I have been regulars at the TB2000 forum. When a subject was within my scope of knowledge I would respond in hopefully an intelligent manner. For the most part however, I found myself venting my anger at the morons and idiots that seemed to be controlling the bulk of the posts. This of course garnered much love for my various handles but it seemed necessary to oppose the stench coming from the likes of Hawk, AisAsia, etc. Although it was not a high priority, weaning myself off that site was becoming somewhat important.Thankfully, that decision has been taken out of my hands and it is time to move along. I appreciate the efforts of whoever has put this forum together and I'll lurk around and see who lands here. Hopefully, the new mutant nesting place will keep them contained and free up the good folks to gather here. I predict that Ed Yourdon will quickly grow weary of his new houseguests and that place will crumble around his latest 'thought for profit' scheme.
-- Sifting (through@the.rubble), March 03, 2000.
-- (from@my.files), December 22, 2000.
-- h (b@r.f), December 22, 2000.
Unk, I'm really sorry the superhero outfit I sent was too big. >:)
-- h (b@r.f), December 22, 2000.
***Oh, you wouldn't need to heave me around, I would just lay on my back and read the comics while you do whatever it takes to satisfy your needs, just so long as I can reach my beer on the nightstand it's cool with me.***Oh come on Al , I want some sex tonight!
-- cin (cin@cin.cin), December 22, 2000.
listen the doomers were WRONG WRONG WRONG. Yourdon was WRONG, North was WRONG, Cory was WRONG, BLAH BLAH BLAH.NOW....can you shut up about it?
-- Sane Person (unlike@you.jerks), December 26, 2000.
NOW....can you shut up about it?Tell that to whoever started this thread.
-- Another sane person like (most@t.Unk's), December 26, 2000.