Fantastic website...lyrics to songs, : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
As James Earl Jones' character (Terence Mann?) said in Field of Dreams, "The memories will be so thick you'll have to brush them away from your face..."Songs
-- eve (, December 21, 2000
Pack up all my cares and woe, here I go... Thanks, eve!
-- Brian McLaughlin (, December 21, 2000.
Cool site, Eve. My problem is remember the name of the song or the name of the artist. I have a head full of half-remembered lyrics, some of which probably aren't even correct.
-- (, December 21, 2000.
Brian, and kb8, glad ya liked it!
kb8, if you have the time, pick the best years, then just start plowin' through the titles and the lyrics -- I would think at least some of the songs should start comin' back to ya. In any case, if we don't hear from you in a while, I'll know the method worked...:)
-- eve (, December 21, 2000.