Man Accused of Forcing Girls to Bite His Navel ( : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

APBnews article

Man Accused of Forcing Girls to Bite His Navel

Sex Offender Posed as Music Video Producer, Cops Say

Dec. 8, 2000

By Richard Zitrin

ATLANTA ( -- Investigators have arrested a 19-year-old sex offender who had been posing as a music video producer to gain teenage girls' confidence and then force them to bite his navel, authorities said today.

The search for Valtrez Stewart ended in nearby Clayton County on Thursday when investigators arrested him on a forgery charge, Fulton County police Detective Tina Johnson said.

Fulton County police had been looking for Stewart for allegedly driving four teenage girls to areas outside Atlanta on three occasions between Oct. 21 and this past Sunday and forcing them to bite his navel, Johnson said. . . .

-- I'm Here, I'm There, (I'm Everywhere,@So.Beware), December 21, 2000


Is he an Innee or an Outee?

-- Johnn Littmann (, December 21, 2000.

I guess a lot would depend on how hard they bit...

-- I'm Here, I'm There, (I'm Everywhere,@So.Beware), December 21, 2000.

What I find strange is the fact that this guy didn't look hard enough. Surely there are women (more his age) that would be willing to do it, and not even charge him for the pleasure.

-- (Sheeple@Greener.Pastures), December 21, 2000.

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