Problems playing VCD on a Encore : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi there, I am trying to play a VCD via my C-Labs Encore 6x DVD drive, but the movie keeps freezing. Has anyone else had that problems? if so, any solutions - I have tried other movie players (including Xing) but no luck - the film plays on my full sized DVD player. Cheers, Kacy
-- kacy (, December 19, 2000
On my Creative Labs Encore 6x, sometimes I do get freezing. It only happened though, when I fast-forward or rewind at high speeds and stop and play. I thought the drive wasn't suppose to work that way.Stupid Creative Labs. If I let the movie play through with no stop, rewind, or forward; it plays just fine. So, to re-cap my C-Labs DOES freeze, but only when I interrupt the continuous play.
-- Yeah Right! (, December 21, 2000.
are your vcd a copy if so depens who did them and what type of disk they put them on and speed they did them at nothing wrong with the encore dxr3 its what you put in them chech all your vcd with your writer if they dont read them they have problems they breack up and they freeze please emaile for more info
-- tallpat (, December 23, 2000.
I hadn't face this problem yet. i thinks that a cheap and cheat solution could be the use of some software like the Clonecd and Daemon_tools. it's the perfect solution if you (like me) love to skip some movie's spots or something like that?P.D. daemon DOES create a virtual DVD unid if that is what you need!! i use it to watch the evangelion's dvd's
apologizes if my english look a bit creppy(^_^)
-- Renan Soria (, October 21, 2003.