Simple direct stream editor for MPEG1/2? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, I'm trying to find a low cost editor (non-linear or linear) for MPEG-1 and hopefully MPEG-2. I have a few bundled video editors like Ulead VideoStudio 4, but those editors seem to uncompress the video by default and recompress on output. I'm looking for something that does direct stream copy with only cut/joining (simple linear editing stuff) so the quality of the input files aren't altered by the editing.

Does anyone have any thoughts? I'm looking at iFilmEdit but I think they don't do MPEG-2. Too bad Virtual Dub only works with AVIs.. I can convert the MPEG-2 to .m2v files using DVD2AVI. Do any editors take .m2v files?

Thanks in advance.

-- Bill Katz (, December 19, 2000


m2v video filmimi mpg2 veya mpg1 nasıl convert edebilirim.

-- Mehmet BAYLAN (, April 04, 2001.

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