Popular words and phrases in 2000

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread


Published Sunday, Dec. 17, 2000, in the San Jose Mercury News

English suffers from an attack of the chads


As the year 2000 began, Americans were worried that a tiny, computer-related fluke (Y2K) would shut down our entire electrical system. Now, as the year ends, it turns out that a tiny, computer-related flake (chad) has shut down our entire electoral system.

It was that kind of year -- and our language showed it.

Yes, folks, it's time for the annual Best and Worst Language Awards (B.A.W.L.). Read 'em and recount.

Worst TV cliche: Thanks to CBS's ``Survivor,'' a business meeting is now a ``tribal council'' where ``back-stabbing slackers'' are ``voted off the island.'' But ABC's ``Who Wants To Be a Millionaire'' yielded the stalest catch phrase: ``Is that your final answer?''

Worst new verb: ``actioning,'' as in, ``the town council is actioning resolution of that issue.''

Worst noun lifted from obscurity: ``chad,'' whether swinging, hanging, dimpled, bulging or pregnant.

Newest ``whine'' in old battles, big time -- The election and its fuzzy aftermath resurrected many old-fashioned terms: ``lockbox,'' ``big time,'' ``rats,'' ``sore loser'' and ``snippy.''

Wildest Dan-home metaphors: CBS anchorman Dan Blather's election-night gushers had Al Gore ``as cross as a snapping turtle,'' George W. Bush ``madder than a rained-on rooster'' and the presidential race ``as tight as the rusted lug nuts on a '55 Ford.''

Most unsubliminal Bushwhackery: ``I know how hard it is to put food on your family.''

Most creative post-election wordplay: An airplane flying over South Florida pulled a banner with a new version of the Wicked Witch's skywritten message to Dorothy: ``SURRENDER GORETHY.''

Runners-up: Bush supporters' revision of ``Gore-Lieberman'' signs to read ``Sore Loserman,'' and Time magazine's headline: ``Unpresidented.''

Most overused terms: The nominees are ``gravitas,'' ``key battleground state,'' ``tipping point,'' ``gateway'' (as in ``gateway topic''), ``the next new thing,' ``fatigue'' (as in ``Clinton fatigue''), ``vet'' (meaning to examine), ``at the end of the day,'' ``ramp up,'' ``controlled burn,'' ``court of public opinion,'' ``robust,'' ``sounds like a plan,'' ``creep me out,'' ``irony,'' ``obscene,'' ``broadband,'' ``nuanced,'' ``responsive,'' ``bundling'' (of high-tech services).

Should I announce the winner now? ``Sounds like a plan!''
ROB KYFF is a teacher and writer. His first book is ``Word Up! A Lively Look at English.'' Write to him at wordguy@aol.com or in care of this newspaper.

-- Chad (words@nd.phrases), December 19, 2000


Hee hee. Thanks, Chad. (Actually, I used the word "obscene" a few days ago in a work related context, to describe how the system I do engineering for is being misused by some of its users. Overly dramatic perhaps, but it got the point across rather effectively.)

-- David L (bumpkin@dnet.net), December 19, 2000.

Lets GET REAL....2000....

Da Bomb

Wow, this IS the shit

Kind Bud

Anyone else?

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 20, 2000.

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