Thanks America! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, December 18, 2000
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, December 18, 2000.
Uh, Ain't, I hate to break the news to you, but "America", such as it is, voted for Al Gore. The electoral college voted for Dubya.
-- Brian McLaughlin (, December 18, 2000.
You tell him Brian!
-- Cherri (, December 18, 2000.
What? You mean Gore is STILL trying to suppress counting absentee ballots? Why? Aren't you even a little curious what they'd have said?
-- Flint (, December 18, 2000.
Actually, I would have thanked the USSC. But that's just me :-)
-- Patricia (, December 18, 2000.
Ah Brian, YOUR America (the Illegals, Welfare Leeches, Liars, Cheats, Smarmy Lawyers, Ballot Buffoons, and All-Around Low Life’s) such as it is, may have voted for Al Gore. MY America (Hard Working Taxpayers, Folks With Family Values, True Patriots, Responsible Citizens, The Majority Of The Supreme Court, and 271 Electoral College Voters) voted for and elected the next PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES…..George Walker Bush.Even in the backwaters of Oregon, home of mail order government, the finality of this event should have set-in by now. I know, these things have a cruel way of ‘possessing’ folks but you should eventually take back control of your critical thinking. Cherri, you too may find the inner strength on your quest for recovery…or not.
-- Barry (, December 18, 2000.
Brian,Bush won AMERICA, which is, if you'll recall, properly called "The United *STATES*."
The *states* elect our President. A majority of the several states, weighted according to representation in Congress, voted for Bush. Therefore, Bush won the Presidency of the UNITED *STATES* by the direct selection of the electors of the 50 STATES.
(Now, before anyone accuse me of partisanship, you might be interested to know that this was the VERY ARGUMENT used by the DEMOCRATS in those aborted op-eds -- you remember, the ones that were frantically pulled when it became obvious that BUSH, and not GORE, would win the electoral, but not popular, vote ...[g]?)
-- Stephen M. Poole (, December 18, 2000.
>> Ah Brian, YOUR America (the Illegals, Welfare Leeches, Liars, Cheats, Smarmy Lawyers, Ballot Buffoons, and All-Around Low Life’s) such as it is, may have voted for Al Gore. <<"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men were created equal..." ...Right or wrong, Barry?
-- Brian McLaughlin (, December 18, 2000.
Define ‘created equal’.
-- Barry (, December 18, 2000.
Right Brian, for "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." What it doesn't say is that the state has the obligation to assure the 3rd is wisely chosen. Nor does it have a remedial obligation when it's chosen badly.
-- Carlos (, December 19, 2000.
Al Gore: 50,148,801 votes
Junior: 49,790,449
-- Too bad America (Republican Supreme Court @ 5 votes. to 4), December 19, 2000.
Gosh, guys. Not everyone who voted for Gore is low-life scum. Many are senior citizens who fear having social security tossed into the stock market. Many are tax paying citizens who work for agencies involved with education and training of those who are "less equal". Many associate a republican in the white house with recession/depression.
-- helen (b@r.f), December 19, 2000.
Helen, what you say is true but these folks make-up a very small sector of the overall demographics of this election. If my remarks have offended any of these fine people I say this to them: Vote for what is right, vote Republican.
-- Barry (, December 19, 2000.
Geez, can't you guys spot a troll when you see one? No one in their right mind would make such a broad generalization as "all Republicans GOOD, all Democrats BAD". Barry's just trying to get a rise out of you.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, December 19, 2000.
Just the ultra liberals Ape-Man.
-- Barry (, December 19, 2000.
Gimmee a drink! I'm losin it!
-- (dubby@dubby.doo!), December 20, 2000.
Dubby,I think the better caption for your gif would be "Where are those new- fangled revolving plastic seatcover toilets? Find me one quickly!"
-- Uncle Deedah (, December 20, 2000.