'encoding wasnt started' in dazzle USB

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am running Dazzle USB under win98SE. At random times during video capture, the recording preview goes black, the dazzle amber and red lights go out, and the recoding so far time indicator freezes. How ever, the recording bar is still active. When I then click on stop recording, I get the error 'Encoding Wasn't Started' and the software freezes. The captured video up to the point of crash is ok. Has anyone seen this before or can you help please.

-- Paul Ormerod (paulo@pjaservices.co.uk), December 18, 2000


Have you asked the people at dazzle for tech support? I use a dazzle for my internet only video stuff and had it crap out on me. The warranty on a Dazzle is 2 years. Did you buy yours within the last 2 years? You can call them on the phone or via their tech support message boards. I was getting corrupt blocks in mpegs. I called them, trouble shot the problem, received an RMA number, drove down to Dazzle (they are 5 minutes from my house) and traded for a new one on the spot.

-- Nick D (nickdoogie@goplay.com), December 18, 2000.

Encoding wasn't started: This refers to a "missing" video Codec installed from Microsoft. Movie relies on MS's video Codecs

-- D (zurbert78@yahoo.com), April 22, 2002.

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