Moral : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Moral DilemmaYou are in the Midwest, and there is a huge flood in progress. Many homes have been lost, water supplies compromised and infrastructure destroyed. Let's say that you're a photographer out getting pictures for a news agency, travelling alone, looking for particularly poignant scenes.
You come across George W Bush, who has been swept away by the waters. He is barely hanging on to a tree branch and is about to go under.
You can either put down your camera and save him, or take a Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph of him as he loses his grip on the branch.
So, here's the question and think carefully before you answer it:
Which lens would you use?
-- Think (, December 17, 2000
Is it morning or late afternoon? Is the sun behind him or in front of him? I would try for some telephoto shots first...and then a panarama or two. Camcorders are right out, huh?
-- kritter (, December 17, 2000.
Pop on the super-zoom lens, to be sure you capture that pouting expression on his face.
-- Uncle Slob (, December 17, 2000.
Think one is a Democrat!
-- ... (, December 17, 2000.
I'd give him the camera so that he could photograph me as I heroically save him. Don't know nothin bout no lenses.
-- Lars (, December 17, 2000.
I'm with Lars. I think doing it that way, there's at least some talk show appearances I could get out of it, maybe even a book.
-- Flint (, December 17, 2000.
Notice that the people who slightly lean Bush have smarter answers than those who lean for Gore.
-- Dr. Pibb (, December 17, 2000.
If you are interested in polictal cartoons and satire, you must save him: he will prove to be a gold mine of material.
-- al from cal (, February 12, 2001.