Iran leader urges destruction of 'cancerous' Israel : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Dubai:Saturday, December 16, 2000 Iran leader urges destruction of 'cancerous' Israel

Tehran |Reuters | 16-12-00 Print friendly format | Email to Friend

Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called yesterday for the destruction of Israel, describing it as a "cancerous tumour" in the Middle East.

"Iran's stance has always been clear on this ugly phenomenon (Israel). We have repeatedly said that this cancerous tumour of a state should be removed from the region," Khamenei told thousands of Muslim worshippers in Tehran.

"The Palestinian issue is not an internal Israeli matter. It involves the interests of the whole Islamic world, including Iran. All should strive to return that piece of land to Islamic hands." Khamenei offered an alternative solution which he said might be more "internationally acceptable":

"Palestinian refugees should return and Muslims, Christians and Jews could choose a government for themselves, excluding immigrant Jews. "No one will allow a bunch of thugs, lechers and outcasts from London, America and Moscow to rule over the Palestinians," the ayatollah said in remarks broadcast on state radio.

He praised the 11-week Palestinian uprising against Israel, in which more than 320 people have been killed, mainly Palestinians. "The new Palestinian generation has learned that struggle is the way to victory, not negotiations," Khamenei said, referring to the deadlocked U.S.-sponsored Middle East peace process.

-- Martin Thompson (, December 16, 2000

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