Bush Will Fail

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

Headline Reuters: Bush Seen Unable to Achieve Much in First Term. "The majority of Americans believe that political divisions in the country will make it hard for president-elect George W. Bush to accomplish much in the next four years according to a Reuters-NBC poll. A poll of 521 voters conducted by Zogby revealed deep racial divides in the electorate...46% said the Texas governor would be able to get things done, but just over 50% said the country would remain divided and he would not be able to do very much."

You've got to know how to look at these polls to realize that this is the greatest news we could get. Here's why: Going into the campaign, and specifically the debates, what was the conventional wisdom? Well, the people and the experts all said that Algore would wipe the stage with George W. Bush and that Bush didn't have a prayer. And what happened? What happened is that Bush won decisive victories in two debates and held his own in the third.

We're in the exact same situation here, with people saying, "He can't possibly get anything done. The country is too divided. The country doesn't want anything done." This is just perfect. This is just ideal. Low expectations mean you can really sneak up on people.

The table here is being set for Bush by the same arrogant bunch of liberals and people in the press who underestimated him before.

-- Anonymous, December 16, 2000


Congress gridlock is good for the US.

Congress will be at 50-50 with the vice president casting the tie- breaking votes.

It is much better to have a do nothing congress than to have a do bad congress.

Most of what congress has done during the last 50 years is bad, not good!

-- Anonymous, December 16, 2000

I knew as soon as I read this it was Rush Limbaugh because of the abundance of lies. Then I did the "view source" and my suspicion was confirmed. Amazing, he is soooo transparent!

-- Anonymous, December 16, 2000

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