Where can i buy VideoPack In CA, USA?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
hi, i live in anaheim, california, and i want to buy videopack "(if you know anoher product can i use to create menus, better than easy cd, please, let me know) and i alredy check the site of videopack, they put a phone in CA, but that phone number is for adaptec, and they don;t know nothing about videopack or winoncd, does anyone know where can i buy one of those programs here in southercalifornia ? thanks daniel gaitan (gracias amigos)
-- daniel gaitan (daniel_gaitan@juno.com), December 16, 2000
VideoPack 4 ($800.00USD) is no longer being sold. When Videopack 5 is released it will not be made available to the US.
-- Bada (bing_bada_bom@5th.net), December 16, 2000.