Are you one with the Spoon? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Been gone for close to a year. Thought I'd better check in on you. Of course, if "Are you one with the Spoon?" doesn't ring any bells then perhaps I've been gone too long!!

How ya doin' Unk?

-- Craig (, December 15, 2000


The knife has forked the spoon...

-- dinosaur (, December 15, 2000.

Or was that "The dish ran away with the spoon". No wait, my wife won't let me run away with any dishes.

Any signs of Infomagic or any others from the vast array of extremo- doomers whom the Spoon loved to teach?

-- Craig (, December 15, 2000.

Infomagic has never posted here.

He might be too busy counting his options in precious metals.

Does anyone miss Infomagic?

-- dinosaur (, December 15, 2000.

See, it's been too long. We talked lots about him and I'm sure he was spooned in absentia. Who way the WaySeriousDoomer..........Paul rings a bell but I could be wrong. We definitely had some Bruce guy who was sold on the idea of burying school buses. This is of course the old Y2K board I'm talking about here.

And who was it that insisted that Gold was a bargain at US$320.00 and we all buy as much as we could. Also, the oil guy who *new* that oil would be $80.00 a barrel by January. I do remember the Spoon sharing wisdom that oil would likely peak at about $30 to $35.00 a barrel barring any major wars.

Oh's all coming back to me. My buddy Andy was reprimanded by the Spoon who knows all many times. Andy was not one with the Spoon. The Spoon was not pleased with his lack of faith. Long live the Spoon.

Spoon, spoon, spoon...........I like saying spoon.

-- Craig (, December 15, 2000.

Hi Craig. I remember you and Homer (and the "I'm afraid, Dave" thread.) J I wonder about some of the old posters like E. Coli. There were some fascinating discussions back then.

-- Gayla (, December 15, 2000.

Ah, Gayla's still around. Good to hear from you! Ya just got me before I go upstairs to see which kid is beating on which other kid. Siiiiiiiighhhhhhh.

Are you afraid Dave.........hey HAL's big year is only 17 days away now. 2001, A Space Oddysey.

And Homer..........what can I say.........Homer is my mentor. It's getting increasingly difficult to distinguish between my philosphies of life and those of my teacher, Homer. Which of course occasionally causes much consternation when for no apparent reason I shout at my boss as he walks past my office door, "In your face Flanders".

Of course I have to be more careful. I'm working in a hospital and I bet he's got connections with the guys who run the rubber rooms.............hmmmmmmmmmm..........maybe that explains why he had my office painted in pastel pink last week........something about wanting calmer colors.

-- Craig (, December 15, 2000.

Ya know Craig, I stared at the fu**ing blurry dual dot picture you posted for a LONG time, a LONG, LONG, LONG, I fear that I am not one with the spoon, sorry.

Welcome back.

-- Uncle Deedah (, December 15, 2000.

Aw, heck are one with the Spoon. The Spoon recognizes those that are open minded and rejoices. Strong opinions are good. And the Spoon usually liked your point of view.

The important thing though is that your posts were enjoyable and helpful because you didn't have that "I'm 100% right all of the time" pain in the ass attitude that the Spoon objected to and made fun of.

The Spoon was blurry. But the important thing is not that you did not see the Spoon, but rather that the Spoon saw you! That's my Friday evening tidbit meant to go down with a glass of fine ale.

Have a great weekend.

-- Craig (, December 15, 2000.


You should probably go here:

FRL Friends

-- anon (v@dude.???), December 16, 2000.


Good to see you here. Old TB2K would not have been the same without your presence.

Hope all is reasonably well with you and yours.


-- Rich (, December 16, 2000.

Does this have something to do with "The Tick"?

-- kritter (, December 16, 2000.

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