The advantages of being a Democrat now : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Cheer up Dems. There are some advantages to having lost the election:

1)- You don't have the responsibility to do certain things that may be necessary but impolitic.

2)- You may sit back and criticize and second-guess in solemn pontifical tones. It's fun, don't you think?

3)-You can use the time until the next election to purge your party of weak leaders, strategies and ideas and build new ones. Be ruthless. Be brilliant.

4)-You can drive with bumper stickers that say "Don't blame me, I voted for Gore"

5)-You can be smug and feel superior as things go less than perfectly for Bush and friends (as they will).

The tide will flow for you again, soon enough. You lost this election by an RCH. The Repubs won by an RCH. (don't ask me to define that term if you don't already know). Next time it may go the other way. In the meanwhile, take advantage of being the party out-of-power. Relish the role of loyal-opposition. The nation needs someone to be ever vigilant of those in power.

-- Lars (, December 15, 2000


When the US economy starts to tank big time, many investors will absolutely freak out. They will NOT understand that the market is now entering a severe BEAR phase. They will be continually hoping for another BULL rise.

However, the Bull is dead, and the Bear is beginning to gnash away at earnings. Soon the devastation will be all too obvious...

Get prepped with the essentials while you can still protect your family.

-- dinosaur (, December 15, 2000.

Clever post, Lars.

an RCH. LOL. I haven't heard that term in years. I always thought it was just a local slang. Apparently it isn't.

-- CD (, December 15, 2000.


That expression used to be common in engineering work.

-- Lars (, December 15, 2000.

Lars, out here on the 'beach', it's a BCH.

-- Barry (, December 16, 2000.

Lars, the bad times will soon be on us by next year.

No one will be laughing then.

The scoffers and mockers are not prepared for what is to come...

-- dinosaur (, December 16, 2000.

RCH = Red Clit Hair. But no one ever explained why it has to be red.

-- (im@not.asleep), December 17, 2000.

"I'm not asleep"--

You're close. Actually, I once heard that that BCHs are finer than RCHs. Congratulations Barry. It's hard to believe that this has been scientifically studied. I did write for several grants but they were denied.

-- Lars (, December 17, 2000.

You forgot this one:

6)-You get to say, He's not MY President.

(Just like many of the Repubs have done for the past eight years.)

-- Patricia (, December 17, 2000.

Attaway, Patricia, you're getting into the spirit. If I were you, I'd be waiting breathlessly for Dubya's first big screw-up.

-- Lars (, December 17, 2000.

Nah, Lars.....don't really have the inclination for that (oddly enough).

My gut feeling tells me this man is in a position in which he never really wanted to be. While I most definitely do NOT get a "warm-n-fuzzy" feeling from him, it's the people AROUND him that worry me more than anything.

Oh goes on.

I hear Costa Rica is pretty nice; if you don't bother the CIA, they won't bother you ;-)

-- Patricia (, December 17, 2000.

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