Party On "Dude"! : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
[Snip] With hair tousled, jacket off, tie undone and shirt unbuttoned, Gore shimmied and shook with a parade of willing dance partners — including the gorgeous Campbell.
"He waved his arms and led others, as everyone jumped up and down," said the source. "The floor was actually bouncing. It was a frenzy, like Studio 54 all over again.
"Tipper was playing the drums right in front of him. She saw everything, but obviously she was too busy having fun herself."
Sounds like we missed out on some potential wild times with Al in the oval office!
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, December 15, 2000
Sounds like we missed out on some potential wild times with Al in the oval office!THANK GOD!!
Ok, so AL is having some fun, so what? To you this means he cant enjoy himself? What is up w/the crack about the oval office?
Lame, real lame.
-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 15, 2000.
'sumer, hadn't you noticed that for a good many of Bush's "supporters", it wasn't so much that they actually SUPPORTED him, it was that they couldn't stand Clinton.
(Who, BTW, wasn't running.)
And as many times as I've called them on this little tidbit since the summer, I have yet to read of one who actually refuted that. And because Gore was his VP.....well, don't you see that "natural progression"?
Apparently, the alleged stench of corruption (LOL) that automagically rubs off onto one's colleague only applies if they are Democrats.
These very same people offer excuse after excuse, and rationalization upon rationalization for Reagan/Bush (and the hundreds of indictments, the convictions, the pardons.....).
And still they don't get it. (<---irony alert)
Let "Ain't" have his little fun. It won't last long ;-)
-- Patricia (, December 15, 2000.