Chicago gasoline surges on rumors of refinery problems : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Chicago gasoline surges on rumors of refinery problems Thursday December 14, 5:55 PM EST NEW YORK, Dec 14 (Reuters) - Chicago cash gasoline prices surged Thursday amid rumors of trouble at Marathon Ashland Petroleum's (MRO) (ASH) Robinson, Ill., refinery, traders said.

Regular gasoline cash differentials in the hub jumped 2.50 cents a gallon, trading at 1.00/1.25 cents over the New York Mercantile Exchange gasoline futures for January delivery, according to traders.

A company spokesman declined comment on the refinery's operations and industry sources could provide no details.

The 166,000 barrel per day Robinson refinery was down for full turnaround between October 1 and early November.

Marathon Ashland Petroleum is the oil refining and marketing joint venture between USX-Marathon Group, the majority partner with a 62 percent stake, and Ashland Inc.

-- Martin Thompson (, December 15, 2000


What are they paying at the pump in Chicago?

-- David A Jones (, December 15, 2000.

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