Set the record straight. Debunking colloidal : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
Set the record straight. Debunking Colloidal Silver.
National burn centers use colloidal silver to prevent infection on their burn victims.
Doctors put silver drops in the eyes of new born babies.
Debunking Colloidal silver
Some articles and web sites are devoted to the debunking of all alternative, non-pharmaceutical therapies, including colloidal silver. This intentional disinformation is being promoted by pro-pharmaceutical shills who want to freighten people away from using colloidal silver. Why? Because colloidal silver works too well, and the drug companies know it! If the general public knew how wide-spectrum and incredibly effective collidal silver is, people might begin to realize that they don't need to take all those expensive pharmaceutical antibiotics, with their wonderful side effects. When you consider both human and animal consumption of antibiotics, the loss would represent billions each month!
The principle scare story used is always about Argyria, a rare blue/grey skin condition. For the past couple of years, the drug company debunkers have been dragging around a poor woman by the name of Rosemary Jacobs. Rosemary has Argyria and her skin has a slate-grey cast to it. The debunkers trot her out at press conferences and at medical conventions to demonstate what will happen to people who take collodial silver for a prolonged period of time.
For many years, Rosemary used nose drops, prescribed by her doctor, that contained colloidal silver protein. Articles written by debunkers about Rosemary's condition will discuss her use of colloidal silver and type the initials "csp" in parentheses behind the words colloidal silver only once, at the very beginning of the article. For the balance of the article, they will use the term colloidal silver repeatedly and denounce it as the cause of Rosemary's condition.
However, Rosemary's condtion was brought about by the use of a prescription drug, a protein compound that contained colloidal silver; and not colloidal silver itself. They are two entirely different things. Hydrochloric acid, for example, is something entirely different than water and table salt, yet hydrochloric acid is composed of the elements found in water and table salt. Pure colloidal silver is simply a superfine suspension of submicroscopic silver particles in water.
There is No protein, No Argyria, and No problem. The debunkers would prefer to mislead the public to believe otherwise, however. And more often than not, they succeed, because fear will win out every time over positive, affirmative stories- at least for the naive, the easily manipulated, and the uninformed.
My two and a half years of not having a cold, sore throat, flue and chest cold is absolute proof that
-- Freddie the Freeloader (, December 14, 2000 those who want to educate themselves and who are in search of the truth.
-- Freddie the Freeloader (, December 14, 2000.
yep, yepper. No hard scientific facts, just stories. Certain concentrations of silver are mildly antibiotic, but take silver into the lab and test known concentrations against both gram + and gram - bacteria, and the stuff is basically useless. Placebo, I tell you. Silver is good for lining your pockets, not killing bugs.
-- (8675309@helping.out), December 14, 2000.
Tell the truth, Freddie.Doctors use silver in burn victim's medication because death is worse than argyria.
Doctors put silver drops in the eyes of babies once. Two drops of silver is considerably less than drinking colloidal silver on a daily basis.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, December 14, 2000.
The reason doctors put silver in a babies eyes only once, because it is so extemeluy effective.Antibiotics are extremely IN-effective. That is why the doctor gives you a big bottle of the stuff and he tells you to take all the pills until they are gone.
Have you ever seen a burn victim with blue skin? More mis-information!!!
The debunkers don't have a leg to stand on!
Go ahead and get sick, see if I cars!
This forum needs to be re-named to the "wild wild west ignorant bunch!"
-- Freddie the Freeloader (, December 14, 2000.
Hey Freddie-I know you're not a very frequent poster here, but there's something you should know. Those of us who hang out here are generally big believers in a "live and let live" sort of lifestyle. If you want to drink yourself grey with your wife's earring collection than so be it. No one's told you not to. So why don't you take a big swig of silver water and relax, okay?
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, December 14, 2000.
Yo! Capnfun! Can you make something alcoholic that would compliment Freddie's cs solution?Shit, guys, this sounds like a winner to me! Call it the "Silver Streak," a new daily drink special!
-- (raven@never.more), December 14, 2000.
Freddie the Freeloader is a shill for the multi-billion dollar Alternative Health industry.
-- (, December 14, 2000.
Freddie is a bored dude who's not been getting enough green time in, so he's spamming the boards. The real shills are those tax guys who keep turning up at Sleazy and getting shitcanned.
-- (eyes@t.left), December 14, 2000.
Raven,Try pouring 3/4 shot of vodka and add a smidge of Sambucca to it. The concoction turns silver - Silver Bullet.
-- Rich (, December 14, 2000.
good idea Rich. Let's leave the cs out of it and see if the placebo effect works.
-- (raven@never.more), December 14, 2000.
Freddie, I know that CS works. I applaud your efforts to enlighten your fellow man. But there is a certain type of mind-set on this board that can't think for themselves. It has to be approved by some type of "authority" figure before they can deal with it.BTW, being a guard at an abortion clinic is hardly a "live ad let live" lifestyle. lol
-- KoFE (your@town.USA), December 14, 2000.
KoFE my favorite attention whore! What's the matter, is the paranoid paradise a little slow today?But there is a certain type of mind-set on this board that can't think for themselves. It has to be approved by some type of "authority" figure before they can deal with it.
Oh yes. Only sheeple would consider medical evidence over the unsubstantiated claims of product vendors. You can't trust the medical researchers, but you can sure trust an anonymous crackpot who wants your money.
And by the way, I've never been a guard at an abortion clinic, just a volunteer escort.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, December 14, 2000.
KoFE -- you lovable old tax nut, you! How the hell are you?So, you're into colloidal silver as well? You know, that's why I love the Internet. Do you realize that I could have gone my whole life without ever knowing that there were people out there who believed that the law did not require that they pay taxes and that silver would cure disease?
Is the world changing for the better or what?
-- EHPorter (, December 14, 2000.
You are correct, tax pimp, some of us actually do things without being told first.But, it's still: "live and let live" eh, Mengele?
-- KoFE (your@town.USA), December 14, 2000.
You know, Freddie, it's actually kinda cool that two flaming fuck ups are the biggest debunkers. LOL! (Bold print, please!) LOL!
-- KoFE (your@town.USA), December 14, 2000.
LOL KoFE! If you had any arguments for colloidal silver, you'd offer them. Instead, all you can do is hurl invectives and try to change the subject.Go back to slEaZy bored, KoFE. You can't compete in an uncensored enviornment.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, December 14, 2000.
BTW, being a guard at an abortion clinic is hardly a "live and let live" lifestyle. lol---------------------------------------------------------------
A-friggin-men Kofe!
-- yea (yep@yep.yep), December 14, 2000.
Now kofe has to invent his own supporters. Oh that's so SAAAAADDD!!!
-- Pointing and Laughing (laughing@you.ha), December 14, 2000.
Wrong dumb ass. Anybody here can compete with your tired tripe.And here's some advice. Don't use CS. It's not for you.
-- KoFE (your@town.USA), December 14, 2000.
You're damn right CS isn't for me. Neither is snake oil. Believe me kofe you can have all the silver you can drink.
-- Pointing and Laughing (laughing@you.ha), December 14, 2000.
Uh... pointing? I think that last bleat was for me.KoFE, if you really can keep up with me, why do you insist on changing the subject? You would think that such a... ahem... articulate person wouldn't be in such a hurry to avoid debate!
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, December 14, 2000.
Kofe isn't the only person who happens to be disgusted by your line of work, Tarzan. I'm sure there are many.
-- yea (yep@yep.yep), December 14, 2000.
What, IT? Who could be disgusted by that KoFE?
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, December 14, 2000.
I used to work at an Anti-Abortion clinic. They brought the women in and we would impregnate them. Tough job but someone has to do it.
-- Edward Jackson Ulyssees Late (, December 14, 2000.
Now, that was funny!!
-- (yawn@stretch.scratch), December 14, 2000.
I have done the ultimate test on colloidal silver. I used to be a skeptic like all you guys here. My son was into CS. He gave me a bottle of the stuff.I pored some CS into a quart of milk and let it stand for a month.
I became a believer!
Colloidal silver kills bacteria.
-- Barney Fife (, December 15, 2000.
Edward-I almost spit coffee out of my nose when I read that! Thanks for the laugh!
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, December 15, 2000.
Barney, as Poole said on the other board, you could do the same trick with bleach. Of course, you wouldn't want to drink it.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, December 15, 2000.