People Beware Y2K Still Looms @ Your Front Door Are You Prepared ? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

The current power issues in the west are not coincedence, they were simply related to delay, ARE YOU READY?

-- Red Johnson (, December 14, 2000


aw crap...just donated all my mre's to the homeless shelter for you tell me.

-- Uncle Bob (, December 14, 2000.

Dude I'm ALWAYS ready...

Got my beer and my vicodins and a lil bit of reefer, so um, yeah I guess thats all I'll be needin.

I'm gonna spend new yrs eve at the Capn's Bar, I'll be safe and high, oh I mean happy. Well high too :-)

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 14, 2000.

Did you ever find out why men are fascinated by womens' genitalia?

-- Dr. Pibb (, December 14, 2000.


Wasn't that a big hit song (by Peaches and Herb, maybe) back around 1964?

As for electrical power disruptions, as ready as I'll ever be. We had some freezing rain last night, but the power stayed on (hooray!) and tonight they are promising high winds and rain. We'll probably need to break out the kerosene heater again before the winter's over. We seem to lose power for at least 12 hours every winter. The heater, the cord of dry wood, and wearing a sweater should keep us warm enough until the power comes back on.

-- Brian McLaughlin (, December 14, 2000.

daayum sumer -- pass the bowl girl :-)

-- (, December 15, 2000.

I just finished up those huge sacks of dried beans. You mean I gotta get more?

-- (forgiveus@whopass.gas), December 15, 2000.

I still have many bottles of lamp oil, oil lamps, kerosene, propane, cook stoves, plenty of candles, rice and bean sprout seeds. I still have lots of water stored under my house. Red, you may be right about our power situation here in CA.

-- bardou (, December 15, 2000.


Won't someone PLEASE sell me two years worth of dried beans?!? And bullets! I must have bullets!!! Once TSHTF all those pollies will be trying to get my precious, precious beans!


-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, December 15, 2000.

And, I have plenty of bullets, shampoo, shaving cream, and 5 cases of TP - does TP go bad?

-- bardou (, December 15, 2000.
