IT'S BEEN A LOOOOOOOONG TIME, : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
....HERE SHE IS :-)![]()
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, December 13, 2000
Oh my, the PRC are not happy campers today. The puppet strings have been chopped-off. This is a great day for America!
-- Barry (, December 13, 2000.
Hey Aint, are you going to Disney World? heh
-- KoFE (your@town.USA), December 13, 2000.
"Perched boldly on the piled remains of our democracy is a stinking elephant who whispers proudly, "Divide et impera" we will have power at any price."
-- Sad Day (, December 13, 2000.
Shazam there Aint, looks like you need a diet...Passes Aint a can of slim fast :-)
uh, couldnt resist, that is YOU isnt it?
-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 14, 2000.
Shazam there Aint, looks like you need a diet..Sigh....I know. I've gotten outta shape over the past eight years.
I'm sure I can get back into shape over the next four-eight years though!
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, December 14, 2000.
"Perched boldly on the piled remains of our democracy is a stinking elephant who whispers proudly, "Divide et impera" we will have power at any price."
-- Sad Day (, December 13, 2000.
we will have power at any price.
I thought this slogan was already used/taken by Gore when he unconstitutionally counted and recounted and recounted again (Aka fishing for votes) Florida's Democraticly controlled counties.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, December 14, 2000.
Miami-Dade was counted? Got proof? 110,000 ballots unreadable by the "machines" are left sitting and you want us to believe you are happy.So "ain't" when exactly are they going to count Florida?
-- Doc Paulie (, December 14, 2000.
Your "Republican" whines about the ability of a State to conduct its own business as per the 12th Amendment.Have the USSC applying the 14th Amendment, to the actual process to ensure Due Process and Equal Protection from historically inaccurate voting machines using a jury type system, and you celebrate? Maybe your boy blasted AlBore, will you ever know? is a 537 count margin which was 1200 at one point enough for you? Is the fact AlGore received more votes in the country as a whole something you just ignore...that more people than didn't voted not for your boy, but the other?
Maybe it is time for you to wake-up and understand you are being taken for a ride. Sorry to rain on your parade but even you know this victory no victory for anybody, we ALL lost.
-- Doc Paulie (, December 14, 2000.
Dec. 6, 2000). Put in other terms, for every 10,000 votes cast, punch-card systems result in 250 more nonvotes than optical-scan systems. A total of 3,718,305 votes were cast under punch-card systems, and 2,353,811 votes were cast under optical-scan systems. Ibid.
-- Doc Paulie (, December 14, 2000.
off one hopes.Hey Unk could you ditch the dumb animated gif on this thread? Makes responding a chore in my browser. Course this maybe the intent, as it is par for the Republican's to unsurp* free speech.
-- Doc Paulie (, December 14, 2000.
Sorry Doc, no can do. If Ain't puts his dancing Dumbos on every thread I might cut out some of it, but I am trying to keep this place as open to all, and as uncensored, as I can. Since his HTML has not in this case been distruptive to the over-all forum, I'll leave the decision up to him.Ask Ain't if it is OK, if he (not an imposter) agrees, and I have a spare minute, I'll do it. But right now this holiday stuff is really sucking up my free time.
-- Uncle Deedah (, December 14, 2000.