VCD Playing so : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I was able to play my VCD with my XingMpeg player withouth any problems until last week I upgraded my Windows 95 to Windows 98. Now my VCD plays extremely slow (both picture and sounds). The pictures move slowly and the sound are incontinous. Even now I uninstall my Windows 98 and move back to windows 95 it still doesn't played as good as before. Can somebody tell me how to setup my computer to let it work normal again?? I have a Pentium 120 with 48 MB ram. My display card is S3 trio64 V+ with 2 MB display ram. My Cd-Rom is 8X. Please help.Thanks
-- Michael (, December 11, 2000
You should get a MPEG playback card to take the load off of the CPU. I got one off for $20 bucks. Just go to ebay and search for "MPEG playback card" or just "MPEG card" and you'll find it. There pretty cool too cause they have a connection to hook to a TV. I wouldn't pay more then $28 including shipping and all.
-- jeremy (, December 12, 2000.