HTML; So there : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
UNC:You must of expected this. We aren't a group that can be managed that easily. I know D.J. Squire and you are no Diane :~)
Best Wishes,,,,
-- Z1X4Y7 (, December 10, 2000
I should have figured.You are hereby warned, you sir have one strike! Be very careful not to enrage me any further, lest you attain "Banished for life" status.
GO! And sin no more!
-- Uncle Deedah (, December 10, 2000.
UNC:You are behind the times. It should include a little gif of a flame, introduced into the original thread. You don't look at EZ enough.
Best Wishes,,,,
-- Z1X4Y7 (, December 10, 2000.
Strike two! I'm warning you mister man, don't be a dirty little bird.*sigh*
Let's stay focused people.
-- Uncle Deedah (, December 10, 2000.
LOL unkster!
-- cin (cin@cin.cin), December 10, 2000.
I remember when he was such a nice guy, in the days before he became drunk with power.
-- Dr. Pibb (, December 10, 2000.
Unc has power?
-- helen (b@c.k), December 10, 2000.
Helen, I think he means Dieter. :-p
-- (yawn@stretch.scratch), December 10, 2000.
There's an excellent site that I use for HTML instruction. It's called Sizzling HTML Jalfrezi.
All the commands are alphabetized, with some of the more frequently-used ones listed on the left side of the page.
Once you've found what you're looking for, practice over here at HTML Test Forum.
You can screw up to your heart's content on that site.
This public service message brought to you by Me.
-- Patricia (, December 11, 2000.
That's a nice site Patricia, I've been looking for the command to do mouse rollovers. Thanks.
-- (Netsc@pe 6.0), December 11, 2000.
Thanks, Patricia, for the cool links. My HTML knowledge at this time can be written on the head of a pin, with enough space left over for Ernest Borgnine after a big italian dinner, and a clown-filled volkswagen.
Anyway, I've already started playing a little on the test site. :)
-- eve (, December 11, 2000.