My guess on what some of the more radical Gore supporters will be saying about today's Supreme Court decision : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Oh this is just GREAT! Now not only do we need to get rid of that outdated electoral college, but we also need to get rid of the Supreme Court. It is just a relic of our colonial days and has no place in 21st Century America. Read the Florida Election Law (but only the parts I've presented and highlighted, ignore the rest). What does the Supreme Court know about Florida law? Gore won the popular vote and therefore he is our president. Scalia and Thomas just bribed the other justices (and I use the term lightly), to go along with the oil companies stooge of a candidate. If Bush wins I'm moving to North Korea. Bush will force us all to become Southern Baptists and go to Nascar Races. The rest of America will now be just like Texas.

-- Dr. Pibb (, December 09, 2000


Nah. They'll appeal. Works like the lotteries...

-- dinosaur (, December 09, 2000.

Aw crap...I didn't think of that. I'm from Oklahoma, now I have to side with Gore or move in with Alex Baldwin. I can't be like Texans, geez.

-- Uncle Bob (, December 09, 2000.

"My guess on what some of the more radical Gore supporters will be saying about today's Supreme Court decision"


-- Mrs. Cleaver (Mrs. Cleaver@LITBBBB.vcom), December 09, 2000.

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