Pray for Bush to Win : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

Can you believe that the Florida Supreme COurt is going to have them recount all those votes today.

If you want Bush to win, pray that he will! Many people complain, but do you realize how powerful thousands of saints praying in faith is? Do you ealize what htat could do?

Let's also pray that they will come up with a decent standard for reading the ballots.

-- Anonymous, December 09, 2000


Like Republicans???

Shoot...He is one!!!

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2000

Well, Al told the truth ONCE . He said he'd do anything to win.


-- Anonymous, December 09, 2000

I wandered into this forum by COMPLETE accident. You people make me sick. And praying makes me nauseous. As does bad typing skills, which seems rampant in Christians. Did you know that Jews number fewer than atheists, now? And that 1/3 of the world is Christian? My religion is dying, thanks to the persecution of Christians. I was called a devil worshipper by idiot Baptists throughout my childhood. I have no faith now. Thank you, and pray along. Maybe God like Republicans, anyway. Why I have no idea.

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2000

Kaophyre Tamdashi Serai:

You say the following:

“I wandered into this forum by COMPLETE accident. “

This would mean that you certainly know very little about the people who have been regularly posting in this forum over the past year. I have been on this forum for a long time and I have not met anyone who is a faithful Christian that has ever or would ever “persecute” any of the Jews. In fact, all who faithfully follow the doctrine of Christ our Lord and your messiah would never persecute anyone, least of all a person who is Jewish. For even our Lord himself was while in the flesh, of the Jewish race. And you offer no proof of your false assertion that Christians have persecuted the Jews. I can only assume that you think this because there have been persons who claimed to be Christians who persecuted the Jews. But no one has ever faithfully followed the teachings of Christ and by doing so persecuted the Jews. You cannot blame Christianity for things done in the name of Christianity, which are diametrically opposed to the very teachings of Christ. And I will also point out that the Jewish people who persecuted Christians in the first century we not doing so because they were being faithful to the teachings of the Torah. In fact, it was a rejection of the teachings of their own scriptures that lead the Jews of the first century to persecute Christians to death. And it is not fair nor is it accurate or right for Christians today to blame the persecutions of the past on the Jews of the present or even on the faithful Jews of the first century. Neither is it right of you to blame the numerous persecutions of the Jews on anyone who is a faithful Christian following the teachings of you own Messiah which is Christ the Lord. For there is nothing in the teachings of Christ that would lead any Christian to persecute anyone, especially the Jews.

Then of course you are nauseous:

“You people make me sick. And praying makes me nauseous. “

If a people who prays to God and recognize His sovereignty makes you “sick and nauseous” then you have certainly found a people on this web site that would make you desperately ill. We offer no apologies for this situation. I suppose that your faithful Jewish people make you equally ill. For my Jewish friends are diligent to pray and they pray often. I am sure that they would turn your stomach. In fact it must be downright unbearable for you. You sound as if you are on the verge of persecuting your own people along with Christians just to stop them from praying so that you can have some relief from your severe psychological malady.

Then you complain of poor typing skills:

“As does bad typing skills, which seems rampant in Christians.”

Now none really wants to make you nauseous with poor typing skills. But some very sincere and honest people have not had the time, leisure, and opportunity to pursue such excellent skill, as you possess does not mean that they are inferior to you. In fact, I have seen some excellent reasoning from those who cannot type very well. I have also seen some very educated people make numerous typing errors, including a number of Jews. But with this statement you show a deliberate intent to belittle and insult all Christians because you are prejudiced against Christians simply because of their religion. An avowed RACIST could not match you anti Christian prejudice. If anyone were to even slightly speak in this way concerning the Jews you would begin immediately to cry and accuse them of being anti Semites

Then you ask: . “Did you know that Jews number fewer than atheists, now?”

No, I did not know that and I am not sure that I know it to be true simply because you assert it. Why not prove to us that the Jews are fewer in number than the Jews. I do doubt that you can prove this to be true. And what is worse, given your aversion to praying to God and your assertion that you no longer have “faith” it seems that you are contributing to the increase in the numbers of atheist by being one yourself. If this is true then isn’t it a bit absurd for you to complain that the atheist out number the Jews when you are among those working to make it so?

Then you say:

“And that 1/3 of the world is Christian?”

I do not know if this is true either. You could not prove it to save your life. The best you could possibly do is to contend that one third of the world claims to be Christian but I do doubt very seriously that half of those making such a claim are in fact Christians. But I wish that not only one third of the world were Christians but that the entire world would come to Christ. And, if you believed your own Jewish scriptures you would be a Christian yourself. But you do not prove that one third of the world is Christian and you seem to prefer atheism to Judaism and at the same time lodge the following complaint:

“ My religion is dying, thanks to the persecution of Christians.”

You do not prove that your religion is dying and most informed and educated scholars would deny your charge against what you pretend to be “your religion”. Nevertheless, if it is dying it is not because of the persecution of those who follow the teaching of the Christ, your messiah. Rather it is because of the weak faith of those like you among the Jews who so easily abandon their God simply because some “ignorant Baptist falsely and ignorantly charged them with being a “devil worshipper”. You most certainly do not have the strong faith of your forefathers like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And you do not have the strength and resolve and love for the Jewish race exhibited by fellow Jews of the past generation who survived the Nazi concentration camps and the horrible events of the holocaust with their faith completely intact, now do you? You should be ashamed of your pathetic weakness and your fellow Jews should be equally ashamed of you.

For your only excuse for losing your faith is the following:

“I was called a devil worshipper by idiot Baptists throughout my childhood. I have no faith now. “

You haven’t the consistency of yesterday’s oatmeal. You are weak and you want to make excuses and like old Nero you would blame the Christians and given half a chance you would burn us all at the stake for our incessant praying! You poor thing. Someone falsely and unjustly insulted you as a child contrary to the teachings of their own religion and you lost your faith. I do not think you had much faith to lose if you lost it so easily.

Then you thank us Christians for your loss of a faith as if it is our fault:

“Thank you, and pray along. Maybe God like Republicans, anyway. Why I have no idea. “

Now with this statement you shame all that stood the horrors of the holocaust for they would not be so weak as to cast their faith away simply because of such unjust verbal abuse from any source, especially during their Childhood. You should be ashamed of such inexcusable weakness.

Jesus did call some Jews children of the Devil but this was not because they were Jews but rather because they were LIARS. All liars, Jewish or otherwise, are of their father the Devil. (John 8:44). I do not think you are a liar. But I am convinced that you are a weak and poorly informed Jew.

Your Christian Friend,

E. Lee Saffold

-- Anonymous, January 02, 2001

I'm actually only half-Jewish...and I am far from orthodox. And I haven't the best typing skills any more, anyway. I note that your typing skills are indeed better than mine. However, eloquonce nor tact am I good at, as I have demonstrated. I haven't excellent social skills; after all, I show up at every high school dance alone (I'm 16) and I don't remember ever having more than 5 friends. I've grown accustomed to it, and I like going to dances only for free punch anyway. Alas, though, I charged into this forum by accident on an afternoon after being preached to by an arrogant Christian substitute who was remarkably offended after she told me "Merry Christmas and I said I didn't celebrate it. She was obviously not expecting it and almost sent me to the principal for being "defiant". How stupid. Ah, w well. And I was reading an article on religious demography the other day on Encarta. That's where I saw the chart. I was shocked to see that atheism is far ahead of Judaism, among other things. I also noticed, as I have noticed in this small Texas town I live in, that Christians are taking over the planet in all senses of the word. 'Tis a wise geek that keeps to a book and her own business. I'm actually a fairly agreeable person, it's just that religion has always felt smothering to me. My brother is a Baptist youth minister. My grandfather is in the gospel hall of fame as lead singer of the Rangers. My grandmother drags me down to her house every High Holy Day (i.e. almost twice a month *sigh*) and my mother, who had a brain aneurysm two years ago and has no short term memory, asks me every ten minutes if I've been going to church. So I have been utterly offensive and I'm spending the week apologizing to you guys.

Your little Jewish friend, Kaophyre Tamadashi Serai

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

P.S.- I actually have a great aunt that died in Auschwitz. I hear she almost survived. And I never did really have any faith: I grew up multi-religion. My mom is a methodist, my brother a baptist, my grandparents on my mother's side Jewish, my father a pagan of sorts; he believes in everything. I was born without a religion. I suppose you could say I am an atheist, but I also follow some of the Jewish tradition and Wiccan beliefs. I believe in reincarnation, and am not too sure of the God concept. I also strongly believe in the soul and the non-corporeal body, as well as the reflections of one's mentality upon reality. And I am a follower of Taoist beliefs, as well as the Buddhist mentality. I think Jesus was a wonderful teacher, for he taught enlightening things, though most borrowed from Eastern religion: don't kill others, do not steal, etc. etc. So you may say I am a pagan of sorts as well. Also: I ask a question of all honesty to the Christians here: What is the universal appeal of Christianity? I know of far more interesting theologies, more complex scriptures, more down-to-earth philosophy, but Christianity has prevailed over all it seems. And with saccharin-sweet views of afterlife. So what appeals to everyone about it? Do tell me, I would greatly appreciate it.

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

P.P.S.- Another apology: I'm a Democrat. Sorry. I condone praying and do some myself. It's just that praying for Bush make me nauseous. And I most certainly have a psychological malady, but I think it leans more toward the schizophrenic side than anything else. The only difference Democrats and Republicans is that the Democrats are the fun party, the Republicans the all the fun money can buy party. I'm also a liberal. And I accidently had an extra "w" in my non-sensical rant. Told you my typing skills were declining.

In even more apologies for a bad day rant: Kaophyre Tamadashi Serai

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

P.P.P.S (is there such a thing?)- Trust me, my fellow Jews are indeed ashamed of me, but for different reasons. And I am more than a bit maladjusted and confused. And unstable. And certainly I am a tortured writer. It's what I do. My disorders and instability are my job.

I promise this is the last post, Kaophyre Tamadashi Serai

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

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