Why are men fasinated by womens genitalia

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Why do men have a fasination with womens genitalia?

-- Red Johnson (aliveon95@member.net), December 09, 2000


It takes a heterosexual to understand.....

-- KoFE (your@town.USA), December 09, 2000.

Because it's there.

(What do I win?)

-- I'm Here, I'm There, (I'm Everywhere,@So.Beware), December 09, 2000.

Same reason we are fascinated with tits, because we don't have any.

-- Hugh Hefner (I @ luv. T and A), December 09, 2000.

1. Taste

2. Touch

3. Smell

4. Sight

5. Hearing

Use all five senses and report back. Good luck.

-- Rich (howe9@shentel.net), December 09, 2000.

palindromically speaking--

GONG! Genitalia snobs, bonsai, latin eggnog.

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), December 09, 2000.

LOL Rich

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), December 09, 2000.


Because they resemble the loveliest of orchids.

-- OrIsIt (TheOther@way.around?), December 09, 2000.

Actually they look more like tacos.

-- Dan Newsome (BOONSTAR1@webnet.tv), December 10, 2000.

Don't tell that little Chihuahua.

-- dinosaur (dinosaur@williams-net.com), December 10, 2000.

FYI -- survey results indicat mechanics (men) make the best lovers. The theory is that mechanics are more likely to use auditory feedback...

-- helen (b@c.k), December 10, 2000.

Because if their fascination with beer was ever to overcome their fascination for female genitalia then the species would die out. Duh

-- riversoma (riversoma@aol.com), December 10, 2000.

Does changing my car's oil every 4000 miles qualify me as a part-time mechanic? I do spark plugs too! Peel back the outer covering, screw out, screw in. Repeat as necessary.

-- Rich (howe9@shentel.net), December 11, 2000.

Gee... i dunno..... why do you think we are fascinated by this?

YOU be fascinated too?

Like, DUH!

-- (beauty@is.a.turn.on!), December 11, 2000.

That picture can only be taken at face value. Show the genitalia and let me decide!

-- Boswell (fundown@thefarm.net), December 11, 2000.

Just more evidence that men are easily confused by silicone. Somebody needs an anatomy lesson.

-- riversoma (riversoma@aol.com), December 11, 2000.

Wrong answer river! I actually dated that beautiful woman before she was a star. She has ALWAYS had large breasts, and has had no work done on them, unlike her movie starlet peers. Your reaction is typical of most jealous women. They can't bring themselves to believe that ANYONE could have larger breasts than THEY do!

Bos: Go see for yourself rockiroads.org

-- (usta@live.in.florida), December 11, 2000.

Those are real, for 2 obvious reasons:

1. If they were silicone implants she would not need to prop them up, they would stand up by themselves.

2. They don't make silicone implants that large.

-- Hugh Hefner (enjoying@the.show), December 11, 2000.


-- (sniffin@chicken.of_the_sea), December 11, 2000.

Sorry, they ain't real. She doesn't have the body type to support breasts of that size. I know 'cuz I'm a 44 DD, for real!

-- (single@nd.looking), December 11, 2000.

What's wrong with silcone? It's better than play-dough

-- Bosco (denden@home.com), December 11, 2000.

I need to add my two bits on them there teats. Those aren't real tits because you can see daylite between her hands and and them tits. That means they're fake any way you hang em! Sidesaddle, Upsidedown, Jumpin up and Down! The doctor blew them tits up. In the cow business that's a set of udders she's packin! Those ones in that picture are bigger than most cow's tits. I mean teats!

-- Boswell (fundown@thefarm.net), December 11, 2000.

^5 riversoma

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), December 11, 2000.

I've never seen a skinny gal yet whose teats were that big if they haven't been artifically altered. She must have terrible upper back aches carrying around that load! It just isn't natural!

-- Mrs. Cleaver (Mrs. Cleaver@LITBBBB.vcom), December 11, 2000.

Breast augmentation (boob job)

Rhynoplasty (nose job)

Chin augmentation (chin implant)

Hey, is that Cher? Oh wait...it's Michael Jackson LOL

-- me (yes@you know.me), December 11, 2000.

"Sorry, they ain't real. She doesn't have the body type to support breasts of that size."

-- skinny girls (with@huge.hooters), December 12, 2000.

-- innocent bystander (just posting@more. evidence), December 12, 2000.

ok, so I 'had' a choice to not look here.

but, I chose to anyhow.

Silicone, pure and simple. FAKE FAKE FAKE.....

Catch the clue bus its FREE today.

-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 12, 2000.

I don't think anyone here really believes any of those are real, but so what? All women are beautiful in their own way regardless of their size. I think the more reasonable questions here would be; What kind of life do those women lead? Would you marry one of those girls? Would you want your sister to look and pose like that? I don't look like any of them, but I do think if I did men would want to be poking me all the time. How good can life be if you spend it merely for the fantasy of men? I doubt that these women are valued for their brains or accomplishments, but maybe they have a more basic need... Maybe they're just trying to pay their bills. Still, it seems to me that a smart woman would find an easier more fulfilling way to make a buck. (By the way, if you're still thinking those breasts are real they're not because real breasts fall to the side when women lay on their back. Also, they don't pop out of nowhere like the girl in the above post. Real breasts have a natural slant to them. Oh, and one more thing. The first girl isn't "propping" them up because they would fall otherwise. She's cupping them to display them because she wants to bring your attention to them rather than her face. (Which is WAY to made up and harsh.)

-- (Netxc@pe 6.0), December 12, 2000.

Netx you are either female or gay

-- (Im@work.now), December 12, 2000.

Sad that these women took advantage of a technology developed for women suffering from a terrible disease, breast cancer. These women mutilate their bodies for self esteem, money, or both. The rewards (IMO) do not outweigh the disadvantages; they will ultimately pay, big time, in the long run. They can't feel a thing through all that silicon and therefore experience no sexual arousal from a touch. That's just the beginning of the harm they have done to their bodies.

Yes, we can tell they are fake because they look like someone place a melon under their skin, no smooth lines anywhere. More and more women are having implants and I really find it sad.

-- Maria (anon@ymous.com), December 12, 2000.

Ok, For what its worth, my amateur opinion is that contestants number one and three had boob jobs while contestant number two has real ones.

I have known skinny women with HUGE breasts. However they generally only looked that way for a few years - between the ages of 16 and 24. After that, things tend to even out unless they take a lot of speed or something. I am sure that somewhere is a woman in her 40s who naturally has a tight ass, huge tits and a tiny waist. I wish her all the best.

Sorry boys but most of you will have to be content with the rest of us more normally proportioned women. However most of you will have receding hairlines, a big paunch around the middle, a flat ass and hair coming out of your ears by the time you are 45. So you may as well marry for love and brains because looks are a commodity with a shelf life.

Anyway, I was hoping someone would post some genitalia so as to show the anatomical difference between large breasts and a vagina. Since genitalia is the topic at hand and there seems to be some confusion on that point.

-- riversoma (riversoma@aol.com), December 12, 2000.


- I'm unabashed about girls at the beach;

give careful attention to every and each.


Tall and short, pale or tan, I think they know,

I love to look at what they love to show.


I like them all, perfect, under, or over-weight.

Even the one who bent

..to pick up a shell

..and looked just like

..a car my brother owned

..in Nineteen Fifty-eight!


-- Lon Frank (lgal@exp.net), December 12, 2000.

River said:

>>However most of you [men] will have receding hairlines, a big paunch around the middle, a flat ass and hair coming out of your ears by the time you are 45. <<

hey... you been peeking in my bathroom window or what? (g)

Actually I'm only 35 and only have 1 of the 4 "features" mentioned above, but I've often wondered if there is a cosmic rule which decrees that men, as they age, have an inversely proportional relationship between the amount of the hair on their head and the amount on the rest of their body.

Johnny (scratching his head...carefully)

-- Johnny Canuck (j_canuck@hotmail.com), December 13, 2000.

Anyone want to comment on this thread's shift of focus from primary to secondary sexual characteristics?

I'll hazard a guess that that it's _not_ due to confusion or ignorance about the definition of "genitalia". :-)

-- No Spam Please (nos_pam_please@hotmail.com), December 13, 2000.


Interesting thread to say the least! I always thought the answer was obvious......they're awful damn pretty for one. I can honestly say I've never met one I didn't like (a lot!).

Still, a picture would be worth a thousand words........


-- Deano (deano@luvthebeach.com), December 13, 2000.

I don't think that showing just breasts are a true example of the whole truth of womens genitalia, Think of waking up to a home cooked breakfast where you can smell the bacon cooking, and hear the pancake batter being made. Then as you arise and get yourself ready to great the delightful sensation of smell you realize that the cooked pancakes begin to resemble the lips of the vagina, the bacon like wisps of pubic hair, and the over easy eggs resemble the suculant breasts that you will now devour. this is why women's genitalia appeal to me for I AM A MAN AND FOOD IS THE ESSENCE OF SURVIVAL !!!

-- Red Johnson (aliveon95@member.net), December 13, 2000.

If I may be so bold as to offer an answer to the original question: perhaps it is love: a place in the heart that you share with no other on earth, attracts you to their earthiness, their essence and nectar. Love has much to offer, from one soul to other, while sharing a loving experience, one can share a part of their body with another, in a loving, caring way, appreciating each for the other and becoming one another's energy and consciousness into one, if only for a few moments, elevating even higher than one could imagine in their solo existence. Just a thought, from here is Baja Arizona...

-- Aunt Bee (Aunt__Bee@hotmail.com), December 14, 2000.

Aunt bee, Please be real , don't get mushy get it out and let yourself be ravished as women ( I assume you are one ) men have a savge desire to plow and fertilize, conquere and devide, pick the rose and then smell, get the drift? Love life and enjoy!!!

-- Red Johnson (aliveon95@member.net), December 14, 2000.

Hell!!! If ya gotta ask such a question as that,you do have problems,the answer is.... tastes great-less filling!!!

-- capnfun (capnfun1@excite.com), December 14, 2000.

Doh!! I was waiting for someone to use that line.

-- (raven@never.more), December 14, 2000.

I refrained from posting pics of ACTUAL genitalia because I don't believe Unk would allow it. I don't wish to put him in the position to censor something and start THAT whole damn arguement again!

Someone else can post a pic if they want.


-- (usata@live.florida), December 14, 2000.

Here's what Gray's anatomy has to say on the subject. Sorry I am html impaired. Enjoy!


-- riversoma (riversoma@aol.com), December 14, 2000.

River => if you don't admit to your trolling over the last year, I'm going to blackout every post you post on. You don't want to make Unk waste his time like that *do you*?

-- (Not@be.liever), December 14, 2000.

Not...just what exactly IS your problem anyway?

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), December 14, 2000.

-- geni (as@per.request), December 14, 2000.

oh well i tried

-- geni (as@per.request), December 14, 2000.

-- (answer@request.now), December 18, 2000.

how disgusting

get a room already.

-- (yck@onlythingmissingis.U), December 18, 2000.

Thats what i'm talkin about willis

-- (Red Johnson@member.net), January 06, 2001.

Now ya see, that picture up above is a good example of the aftermath of one of them there chemtrails. She was probably a healthy normal gal at one time untill she got drifted on. Now she's half bald down cause her hair is falling out and her tits are all swelled up. Let that be a good lesson to all!

-- Boswell (fundown@thefarm.net), January 07, 2001.

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