Boies Hurts Gore Before Court : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Boies Hurts Gore Before Court

Jack Thompson Thursday, Dec. 7, 2000

Two days ago NewsMax reported that a group was poised to ask the Florida Supreme Court to ban Gore lead attorney David Boies from Thursday's oral argument on the appeal of Judge Sauls' order.

The basis for the request: Boies had filed with the high court a false affidavit pertaining to the Illinois Supreme Court "dimpled chad" case. Boies has a corrective affidavit recanting the false first affidavit, which he is ethically required to file with the court, just as Bob Bennett went back to U.S. District Judge Susan Webber-Wright when he learned Monica Lewinsky's affidavit in the Paula Jones case was false.

Boies has not done so, which is why he now has new bar complaints filed against him in Florida and New York, to add to the unrelated bar complaints filed against him in other matters.

This anti-Boies group has now decided not to ask the Supremes to boot Boies, because it has calculated, probably correctly, that Boies' very presence in their hearing room is the best possible reminder that this man, who cleverly led them down the primrose path to their public humiliation by the U.S. Supremes, is not to be trusted in any characterization of the law and the facts.

Put another way, Boies, in his lanky frame, is a stark symbol to the Supremes of the bankruptcy of the Gore position.

A smarter Gore would by now have yanked Boies to jettison his visible baggage.

Thank goodness the vice president is not as smart as he thinks he is.

Boies Hurts Gore Before Court

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, December 08, 2000

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