From the Book of : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
If you could choose the manner of your death, what would it be?
-- kritter (, December 07, 2000
Old age.
-- (any@other.questions?), December 07, 2000.
1. Conscious exit from the body.2. Tainted salmon mousse. (ref: Monty Python's Meaning of Life)
-- Rich (, December 07, 2000.
I would choose not to choose.
-- Brian McLaughlin (, December 07, 2000.
1a. Already ensconced on a funeral pyre. Being in Benares on the banks of the Ganges would be a nice touch.
-- Rich (, December 07, 2000.
I'd like to die at the age of 90 after being shot in the back by a jealous 30 year-old husband.Okay, kidding. I'd actually prefer to drown. I almost drowned once and it was oddly peaceful.
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, December 07, 2000.
In my sleep, as an old happy lady.
On top of a giant Gas tank which is exploding while I scream "I'm on top of the world Mah!"
While fighting for a great I can go to Val Halla.
-- kritter (, December 07, 2000.
Like that Nelson Rockefeller dude.
-- (, December 07, 2000.
I'm growing older but not up My metabolic rate is pleasantly stuck So let the winds of change blow over my head I'd rather die while I'm living then live while I'm deadJimmy Buffett and seconded by moi : )
-- capnfun (, December 07, 2000.
That's easy: I want to die in the saddle! What a way to go!
-- (, December 07, 2000.
Drowning in a vat of either Dr. Pepper, Mr. Pibb, or Mt. Dew - but not if they are all mixed together.
-- Dr. Pibb (, December 07, 2000.
In my sleep at 105 tired from having a rousing night of good sex, full on pork chops and mashed potatoes, still good lookin' -- still able to laugh -- still able to remember my name.
-- Casey DeFranco (, December 07, 2000.
I hear the Texas Education System almost killed Gore's 96 year old grandmother!
-- Dr. Pibb (, December 07, 2000.
All of Life has been a surprise so why spoil it when it comes time for the Grand Finale?
-- Potato (, December 07, 2000.
***1. Conscious exit from the body.***Me too
I'd like to be able to say goodbye to those that I love, and to say my prayers.
-- cin (cin@cin.cin), December 07, 2000.