Anyone have the new Microsoft ME on their 'puter? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I got a new computer with ME on it and the first week I had it I could receive all the live cams. Now I get a blank screen. Can anyone tell me what I need to do and how to do it? Thanks....Taz

-- Taz (, December 06, 2000


I got lint in my pocket, lint in my pocket

-- ain't got no money (in@my.pocket), December 06, 2000.

Call tech service and be very patient.

-- dinosaur (, December 06, 2000.

Trade it in for a Mac?

-- capnfun (, December 06, 2000.

Bill Gates

-- Uncle Bob (, December 07, 2000.


I was told to avoid it. The argument was; It was created for simple home use and was quite buggy if used for tasks beyond simple tasks. My latest Window's machine has 2000. Now there is a piece of work. You will need to talk to tech support.

Best Wishes,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (, December 07, 2000.

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