Darim MPEGator, Darim M-Filter Card Where to buy?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Where to buy Darim MPEGator and Darim M-Filter card?...is it posibble to buy it from Singapore? Please kindly furnishe me with the correct address and confirm the pricing.

Thank you.

Shah58 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

-- Shaharuddin bin Sabri (shah582001@yahoo.com), December 06, 2000


Both card are expensive on our region market, I have tried their daughter card call MG100 and the result is impressive, I just return from USA and brought back two set of them for a test. I still got another one to be sell if anyone interested? Please mail me for more info.


-- Haji Bujang Mohammad (jang@mailhost.unimas.my), December 06, 2000.

I have MPEGator Card for sale. I paid $1500 for it. Its currently selling for $1,150 in USA. If anyone interested contact me.

-- Sef (spec1sef@yahoo.com), July 15, 2004.

I am taking offers between $300 to $700.

-- Sef (spec1sef@yahoo.com), July 15, 2004.

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