Question for Doc Paulie : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

In another thread you stated that World magazine was a pr rag for the Unification Church. Can you back up this claim?

I am not posting this to start a feud with you, I just want to defend what I feel is a good magazine.

World Magazine

-- Dr. Pibb (, December 06, 2000


Trying it again not .org

-- Dr. Pibb (, December 06, 2000.

Confusion reigns...not "Worldmag....but "theWorld" Magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association was the reference in the prior post. My mistake made also was around the actual Moonie rag the "World and I". With all the World's around it is an easy mistake to make. I thank You for asking for clarification. A refreshing approach rare around here usually.

The three are interesting studies.

"World's" main voices are editor Marvin Olasky and publisher Joel Belz. You should know Olasky from his ties to GW(Compassionate Conservatism). Belz is a rightwinger trying to be the next Joe Farah, ala WorldNetDaily.

"THE World" magazine from Unitarian Universalists is basically the flipside of the "World"...very leftwing, wiccan leaning.

"the World and I", the Moonie owned magazine is $45 bucks for what appears to be shallow dribble. Owned by Moonie News World Communications.

I personally would not read any of these. But honor your right to read one, two or all three of them Dr. Pib

I personally think Olasky a major nutcase. Belz seems likewise whacked from the articles I found on by him. Like many, they "sound right" but there is just something not right, ya know? Well what that is comes from the fact they are not what they appear to be MHO.

I have serious issue with the Bush family and their alledged ties to the Reverand Moon. There are issues of China and North Korea here as well by way of Moon which if true, are really disturbing. Olasky and World are connected to BUSH. Moon is connected to BUSH. Moon is also connected to former President Reagan and now his son Michael Reagan. All details can be had using a search engine.

Frankly I have major issue with the Right-Wing supposedly "Christian" movements into Journalism and Politics. I doubt hardly any of these people are even religious. What they are is Fanatical. Religion is their card they are playing. Their goal is power, global in fact, one- World. As Bush said, a New World Order. Their common thread is World- Global-Unify.

I have seen these people for well over 2.5 years now, thru Y2k till this now Presidential race. They have some appeal to a good many Americans. Unfortunately few of their followers ever really bother to find out who these people are until they been done over by them.

Take a WorldNetDaily, a favorite wacko rag of mine. Here is a publication which for well over a year was saying Y2k was a big mess waiting to happen. Well nuttin happened. Now one would think their following would abandon ship pronto, did they? Well no. If a WND was as wrong as can be over something I believe was a no-brainer, what exactly are they RIGHT about? Based on Y2k alone I would suggest they are suspect as default on most things. Integrity? well when do their followers, who say they hold "integrity" in high regard, begin to apply said standards to the rags they follow? WND is baloney. Fact they still exist and are quoted is simply amazing.

Most of these RighWing wacko organizations were wrong on Y2k. An utter failure and they are still listened too? Even your Worldmag was wrong on Y2k. Although I will conceed by late 1999 even Belz had seen the light and published a redo of his earlier cut&paste Gary North pieces.

And thus one be confused. The LEFT has as many wackos as the RIGHT. Y2k was filled with them from both ends of the spectrum. Joe Boivin was my favorite Lefty tinfoil. Guy has now admitted himself to self- imposed isolation and pulled all his "information" from the web. Shame too because this guy was really demented in a funny sort of way.

I focus on the Right since they seem much more focused. Their Meme is much more "unified", especially online. Both ends however are really the same.

One thing should be clear to Americans. No matter which lesser of the evils we get, we get more movement to NWO policies. Gore or Bush matters little, they are the frontmen. Their influence is over matters the PTB really are not focused on like abortion, really meaningless tax cuts and redistributions, peashooter control(guns), all the domestic stuff meaning little to the Global Capitalists running things. These issues keep the sheep emotional and divided. That way THEY can continue on their merry way of Globalizing the World to their liking as the people bicker amongst themselves over really nothing. Ever careful they are, not to kill the Golden Goose (Us economy, taxpayer and ingenuity)which finances their grand monopoly game.

-- Doc Paulie (, December 07, 2000.

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