Natgas being rerouted after Texas line : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Natgas being rerouted after Texas line rupture Tuesday December 5, 6:42 PM ESTSAN FRANCISCO, Dec 5 (Reuters) - A ruptured 30-inch diameter section of an intra-state natural gas pipeline in southeast Texas was expected to be replaced with normal gas flows of around 400 million cubic feet a day restored by Friday, a spokeswoman at El Paso Energy (EPG), one of the line's owners, said Tuesday.
"We have crews that are on-site and working to replace the damaged section of the line and right now we're expecting to have gas service back by the end of the week," the spokeswoman said.
The blast, which occured late Monday on a section of a 300-mile pipeline that runs from southern Texas to the Louisiana border, did not disrupt gas deliveries to other intra-state pipelines.
All delivery commitments were met by re-routing gas to other lines and fuel switching, the spokeswoman said.
At least one person was believed to have been injured during a precautionary evacuation after the explosion, near Baytown, Texas, about 20 miles east of Houston, but it was not seen as life threatening, the spokeswoman said.
The cause of the explosion was still under investigation.
-- Martin Thompson (, December 06, 2000