flash file to avi problem

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

ok, i have the software to convert it (macromedia dir 8 and flash 5), but the file i want to convert it will not let me open at all in flash 5 or import it (says ity cannot do this to a copy protected file). the DIRECTOR 8 seemed to let me input/import it, however it only converts the first 1-2seconds and thats it despite all frames being selected. Any help would greatly be aprreciated. thanks--

-- Doug (mazinz@aol.com), December 04, 2000


sort ofsolved my own problem. I used a screen capture as the prorper way to convert thiswith in director 8 slightly cuts the right side of the screen

-- Doug (mazinz@aol.com), December 06, 2000.

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