Nikon's G screens : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I'd like to fit my F3 with a screen or two for low-light use, as the original K screen I use is less than optimal in very low light and apertures don't get much brighter than f/1.4 for Nikon.

I've read some conflicting reports of which G screen is proper for which lens: which ones do I need for a 20/2.8 and a 50/1.4? The #1 and #3? The #2 and #3? Just the #2?

-- John O'Connell (, December 04, 2000


There's a list of available screens, and which lenses they suit, in the back of all the Nikon camera instruction manuals, I believe.
You might find that the type 'A' (centre microprism) is a better all-round option. The centre doesn't go as dark as a split-image, and it'll save swapping out screens all the time.

-- Pete Andrews (, December 05, 2000.

I use an H2 on my F3 for lenses from 35 to 200 mm, so a G2 should be fine for your 50 1.4. I'm pretty sure that you would need a G1 for the 20 2.8.

I love my H2 screeen, but you do realize that the microprisms make DOF hard to determine, right?

-- Geoffrey S. Kane (, December 05, 2000.

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