Can an individual who was divorced & remarried & spouse convert to Catholicism? : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

I would like to know the policy for accepting converts into the Catholic Church for a couple when one spouse has been divorced and remarried, both are protestants. Thank you

-- Vye Wight (, December 04, 2000


Response to Can an individual who was divorced & remarried & spouse convert to catholism?


Some questions to you first:
1. Do both the man and the woman wish to enter the Church?
2. If it is just one of them, which one is it?
3. Which of the two was divorced?
4. Is the one who was divorced willing to allow the Church immediately to begin the process of seeking a declaration of nullity [which is informally, but misleadingly, called "annulment"]?

-- SN (free@long.last), December 04, 2000.

1. Do both the man and the woman wish to enter the Church? No.

2. If it is just one of them, which one is it? Man and children.

3. Which of the two was divorced? Man.

4. Is the one who was divorced willing to allow the Church immediately to begin the process of seeking a declaration of nullity [which is informally, but misleadingly, called "annulment"]? This is the main reason for his hesitation. BTW, the man was baptized as a Catholic, but married in a Presbyterian Church.

I don't want to disturb my present family life. I am happily married and have children. My family worships under a Protestant Church, but my dreams is to have my entire family become Catholic. I was once Catholic.

I fear the tribunal

-- Fear_of_Results (, August 02, 2003.

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