prob with burning 750mb dat file : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

hai, i had this problem burning a dat file.This vcd played 74min on a vcd when i tried to burn to a cdr i found that the dat file is 743mb.The current cdr available in the market is 700mb/ using nero burn software.pls help me. thank you.

-- mike anthony (, December 04, 2000


Burn that DAT file with nero into a VCD. Other than that, convert the file into an MPG and burn using Adaptec/Nero/etc/etc

BUT, remember, it has to be in whitebook compliant format to do that!

-- Pat (, December 04, 2000. will give you the information (and or) tools.

-- Billy boy boy boy (, December 04, 2000.

Have you tried burning the dat file yet. As far as I know, a 700mb cdr can hold up to 80 minutes of video. Don't worry about how big the file is, as long as the video is under 80 minutes long. I've successfully burned VCDs that were 79 minutes long (almost 800 mb).

-- steve (, December 06, 2000.

I've overburned a vcd on an 80 min cdr to 83 minutes and also have had no problems playing it in my mico a980 dvd player. I read that in order to read vcds they should not be burned more than 74 mins. But I think it depends on the player whether it will play more than that. Jav

-- jav (, December 07, 2000.

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