This forum needs : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
I'll start....*
cool wind from the north
chasing away the hot sun
announces winter
blowing drifting snow
I moved away from you, but
at times I miss you
very soon Christmas
the witch of November gone
and then a new year
-- Uncle Deedah (, December 03, 2000
I felt an urgeI cut a fart
An ominous odor filled the room
Beer is cheap
The brain is weak
A police officer clubbed the shit out of me
The water was still
The night was clear
I drove Bill's car into the lake
-- Bardtholomule (q@QQ....), December 03, 2000.
Cold December morn...
What are these funny white things
Falling from the sky?
-- Gayla (!), December 03, 2000.
What the hell is Haiku?
-- Uncle Bob (, December 03, 2000.
wasn't he the gay green goofy monster on Pokemon?
-- Dr. Pibb (, December 03, 2000.
What is a Haiku?
Verse having five, seven, five
Syllables per line
-- David L (, December 03, 2000.
Haiku's addictive!Japanese secret weapon
Limits your thinking :-)
Thanks, Unc!... I've missed "the Master"
-- Tricia the Canuck (, December 03, 2000.
Cold rain hissing throughGasping leaves to shiv'ring grass
Winter's promise comes
Fishes' chilly breath
Traded for the warmth of death
Heron stalks anew
-- Lon Frank (, December 03, 2000.
The shock to hearmy waitress call
another man "hon"
Old black man
calm as the canal
he fishes
-- Lars (, December 03, 2000.
Ward, Wally, Beav, it's time for dinner.....*
genetic mashed potatoes and gravy, humanly slaughtered corn-fed - antiobiotic beef pot roast, hybrid pumpkin pie
Larry King Live, Jeraldo Riveria, or QVC, Shopoholics stick together, we shop til we drop.
Tis the truth........... *
-- Mrs. Cleaver (Mrs. Cleaver@LITBBB.xcom), December 04, 2000.
There once was an old man fron Nantucketwhose......
Oh shit wrong thread!!!!!!!!
Oh hell wrong rhyming scheme!!!!!!!!!!!
scuse moi ; )
-- capnfun (, December 04, 2000.
The Vice President
runs on economic bliss,
Bill's scandals still hiss.
-- J (Y2J@home.comm), December 04, 2000.
As You are HeAs You are Me
And we are all together
-- One (whole@wholly.holy), December 04, 2000.
"Haiku headlines of the day"
-- (the@lighter.side), December 04, 2000.
Gayla is here trueBut wondering now and then
Of her and others from Old.
-- AZ Joe (, December 04, 2000.
Uncle Bob, EVERYBODY KNOWS HAiku is the brother of feng sheiu.hmmmfff!!!
-- sumer (shh@aol.con), December 04, 2000. out this url, folks. There is some hilarious stuff there-an entire site dedicated to haiku about spam. Happy reading!
-- SydBarrett (dark@side.moon), December 04, 2000.
Wing lights flashfade into
with a sigh
the museum
-- Lars (, December 04, 2000.
Blair Witch HaikuScream, scream, scream, scream, scream
Scream, scream, fuck you, fuck you, scream
Then the movie ends.
Office Haiku
Printer's not working
Damn it! My meeting is right now
Where's the baseball bat?
Dog Haiku
I sound the alarm!
Paperboy, come to kill us!
Look look look look look!
Boss Haiku
Moron for a boss
"What do you mean it's broken?
I only kicked it once!"
Sexual Harassment Haiku
Nice butt her boss said
And a nice rack you have, too.
BIG check from HR
-- Tarzan the Ape Man (, December 04, 2000.
Hello Joseph B...
Nice to see you're still around! :-)
How're the little ones?
-- Gayla (, December 05, 2000.