Just to even things up..A GW B Joke.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
The Shrub is going to Washington.He gets on the plane and walks straight through to First Class,puts his hand luggage into the overhead locker and sits down.The stewardess comes up to him nervously and says:"Excuse me Sir,but you have sat down in a First Class seat and you only have an Economy Class ticket."Shrub stands up angrily and says:"Don't you know who I am ?"
The man sitting next to him says to the stewardess:"Perhaps I can help - I am a psychologist."
He leans over and whispers something into the Shrub's ear.George immediately gets up,removes his luggage from the overhead locker and walks quietly back to economy class.
Impressed,the stewardess asks the psychologist:"How on earth did you do that?"
The psychologist replied:"I told him First Class wasn't going to Washington."
-- Chris (enquiries@griffenmill.com), December 02, 2000
W ain't blond. The joke was, and an old one too.
-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), December 02, 2000.
So Chris, how is life after the OTFR personae?Glad to be free of trolls and 4-year old act-a-likes?
-- Curious (rowdy@roddy.hmmmm), December 03, 2000.
My Dear Carlos, I do apologise for boring you with an old joke on a Saturday evening but I guessed you missed my point...and I thought by Brit standards I was being as subtle as a brick !Rowdy, The identity of "She who must be obeyed" must remain a mystery but life is great !
-- Chris (enquiries@griffenmill.com), December 03, 2000.