Al Gore Joke : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Al Gore is celebrating:"57 days,57 days!" he shouts.

Tipper asks him why he is celebrating.He answers:"Well I've done this jigsaw in only 57 days."

"Is that good?" asks Tipper."You bet."says David."It says 3-6 years on the box."

-- Chris (, December 02, 2000


WANTED: Fat Lady

JOB LOCATION: Tallahassee, Florida

PAY SCALE: Name Your Own Price


-- (nobody@nowhere.nohow), December 02, 2000.

Too funny, Nobody....I sent that one flying 'round the world.

-- Taz (, December 02, 2000.


Just a tip, but when modifying a joke, one needs to replace ALL instances of old references. Who's David?

-- Anita (, December 03, 2000.

David is the reporter who is permantly camped out in the Gore's house.

-- Dr. Pibb (, December 03, 2000.

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