can't create vcd with dazzle : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I am working with dazzle DVC-II card. i captured a video through vcr with mpeg1& mpeg2 format. in both modes i did n't create vcd. for that i used soniq DVDit software. tell me any clues?
-- t.c.arunkumar (, December 01, 2000
If you could reform your question so we can help you. has a language translator were you can type in your native language and it will convert it to english. Than you can copy paste it hear.
-- The Big O' (, December 02, 2000.
Before you start capturing ensure that you have selected 'Video CD' option in Recording option menu. If you do not select that option then captured video will not be in VCD 2.0 format and you can't create VCD from the .mpg file. Use Winon CD 3.6 ( Cequadrat ) software for creating Video CD. Dhiren Desai Decision Plus Systems Inc Ahmedabad India
-- Dhiren Desai (, December 02, 2000.