Strange problem with : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Hi everybody,I am having this strange problem with the new version of TMPGEnc12a.
I was using TMPGEnc12 beta very effectively before for making SVCD. Recently my commuter crashed(I had to format my hard drive) and I reinstalled the new version of TMPGEnc12a(not the beta).
Now my TMPGEnc is not working. When you browse the video source, the file name comes with a prefix (MUX C:\videoins\bday.mpv).
Also, my captured video(AIW PRO, 8MB/S,720x480) is not resizing to desired SVCD format(2400kbs,480x480). The TMPGEnc progress bars is going very fast and getting a message that the process successfully completed. But if I check the rate the file is not changed at all. (Same 8MB/s,720x480). Please help me to fix this problem
Some useful info. for AIW owners who wants to directly capture 480x480 SVCD videos. Follow the link..
I tested this 2480kbs 480x480, video quality is much better than TMPGEnc output, but sound is a mess. I didn't try with lower bitrate.
-- Reji T. Keeramkary (, December 01, 2000
Hi Reji,It did happend to me and what I did to fix it was to reinstall another MPEG2 splitter.
My machine had mediamatic splitter and I was able to capture edit and view, but when ever I wanted to use TMPGEnc to reencode my MPEG2 clip, I get the same result you do.
So I install the Ligos Player and it work fine now.
Apparently WinDVD splitter can fix AV synch problem also. (I didn't try this yet, I don't have synch problem)
-- Tuan (, December 01, 2000.
Installing the Xing mpegplayer will also fix it. I think it may share some files (or) writes something to the win ini or someother file. Weird but works!
-- The Big O' (, December 02, 2000.