Why won't keys change?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I'm having trouble playing a Neo-Geo game, Samurai Showdown 2. It works just fine, but not all the buttons are available. When I go into the menu, it says they're assigned to "None". Then, when I try to change them, nothing happens! I can change all the keys that are already assigned, but I can't assign keys to buttons that aren't assigned a key yet. I've had this problem with other games too. Does anyone know why this is and how I can fix it?

-- James Darpinian (J2274645@cheese.com), November 30, 2000


Right click on the game and check the properties and make sure joystick is checked. If that doesnt work, then what kind of input is it? If you are using your USB port than you need to uncheck use direct input.

-- Richy Cream (chris66336@juno.com), December 02, 2000.

I suspect you are trying to define buttons 5 to 8... My understanding is that those buttons can only be used with -cheat as they mimic multiple of a 'regular' button (ie: 1 to 4). You just need to define buttons 1 to 4 (and of course the direction keys). Neo Geo machines only have four buttons.

-- Barry Rodewald (bsr@hn.pl.net), December 02, 2000.

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