Question about 'free mail' for : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread |
This morning a friend mentioned her husband sent mail from Viet Nam without postage stamps but with the words 'free mail' on it. My father retired in 1966 and served in WWII and Korea and I don't remember ever receiving mail without a stamp. Twenty three years of mail from APO's but always a stamp. Does anyone know about 'free mail'? The Military Postal Service site doesn't talk about it either.
-- Pam (Pam@j.o.e), November 30, 2000
I thought Klinton closed down all military mail service since his 'pet dog' (the military) bit his buddy Al.
-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here, November 30, 2000.
-- butt nugget (, November 30, 2000.