Floaty Oracle - Repost

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I still like this site. It's even accurate at least half the time!



-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), November 30, 2000


There are days and there are daze.


-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), November 30, 2000.

I asked the same question twice and I got two different answers.


-- SydBarrett (dark@side.moon), November 30, 2000.

Good one, K.

Or you can pray before the head of Bob

-- Peg (pegmcleod@mediaone.net), November 30, 2000.

Ah, yes! I had forgotten about Bob. There's probably still a Magic 8 Ball site out there somewhere, too.

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), November 30, 2000.

I asked: will Gore steal the election: answer:Yes

I asked: will Bush lose the election Answer:Yes

I should have aked if Bush will allow Gore to steal the election..

-- justa another (concerned and @mazed.citizen), November 30, 2000.

Magic 8 Ball site

-- (kb8um8@yahool.com), December 01, 2000.


In the interest of balance, I asked your questions the other way around:

(It should be noted here that the eager-to-please 8 Ball is known to have a slight bias toward positive answers. :-)

"Will Bush steal the election?" -- 8: Yes definitely


"Will Gore lose the election?" -- 8: Concentrate and ask again

"Will Gore lose the election?" -- 8: Reply hazy try again

"Will Gore lose the election?" -- 8: Ask again later

"Will Gore lose the election?" -- 8: Outlook not so good

At this point, I decided that that was the straightest answer to that question 8 Ball was going to give me, so I moved on to ask the question you said you should've, both ways:

"Will Bush allow Gore to steal the election? -- 8: Yes


"Will Gore allow Bush to steal the election? -- 8: Reply hazy try again

"Will Gore allow Bush to steal the election? -- 8: You may rely on it

-- No Spam Please (nos_pam_please@hotmail.com), December 01, 2000.

And, if you don't like the answers, you can keep asking until you do!

-- (kb8um8@yahoo.com), December 02, 2000.

Link to Floaty

-- Linker (.@links.r.us), December 03, 2000.

OOPs, Sorry K8. Thanks for your link. It's too early and too few cups of coffee yet on Sun AM. Got all my questions answered already. The darn 8-ball was out of service.

-- Linker (.@links.r.us), December 03, 2000.

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