Israel might launch a preemptive strike against Libyan missile sites : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Libyan Missiles From North Korea Aimed at NATO Bases, Israel

© 2000

Dozens of North Korean No Dong missiles in Libya, each with a range of 1,100 miles, are aimed at NATO bases in Italy, Spain, Greece and Turkey, and are capable of striking Israel as well, according to Israeli intelligence.

The missiles, which can carry chemical and biological warheads, were purchased from an arms dealer living in Marbella for $497.5 million, said Mossad Director Efrayim Halevi in a warning sent to NATO intelligence officials. He told NATO the presence of the missiles in Libya constituted "a major threat to the region.”

Mossad agents traced the deal through banks in Madrid and Switzerland, and Israeli air force planes followed a transport plane in the final stage of its journey from North Korea to Libya, where it unloaded 36 No Dong missiles along with 11 North Korean missile technicians.

Experts say that the acquisition of the missile has made Libya one of the best armed nations in the Mediterranean area. They add that Libya is known to have both chemical and biological weapons stored in secret underground depots.

Mossad sources say that the arms merchant in Marbella is now negotiating another large shipment of No Dong missiles, leading some to fear that Israel might launch a preemptive strike against the Libyan missile sites, thus adding to the current instability in the region.

-- Uncle Bob (, November 30, 2000


Well, IF we EVER get an elected President, we can then begin to work on the REAL problems are country is facing. This is sad, but it is true.

Damn, wishing the election BS would END already.

-- sumer (shhhh@aol.con), November 30, 2000.

I think Clinton is still trying to negotiate with these middle east types...we just haven't been hearing about it as much on the news lately.

-- kritter (k@a.n), November 30, 2000.

A missile named "NO DONG"? C'mon... Who's in charge of naming these things!?

(I'm sorry, but it's awfully hard to get worked-up over *anything* NewsMax has to say.)

-- CD (, November 30, 2000.

It's design was probably from Siemans : )

-- capnfun (, November 30, 2000.

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