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-- Uncle Bob (, November 30, 2000
Including Nader's count, Gore's margin in the national popular vote was a PLURALITY of about 1/3%, ie a tie.
-- Lars (, November 30, 2000.
Looking at those numbers, it becomes clear how un-wildly popular GW (Mini-Me) Bush is - what with losing the popular vote and squeaking out the electoral vote by the smallest margin since Hayes took Tilden by a TKO. Not that I think it is likely, but Mini-Me remains one unfavorable court decision away from losing the popular vote in Florida.Speaking of hypotheticals... it is not beyond conjecture that Bush could be elected President when the electors vote in a couple of weeks, and then have some court decision take away enough votes to make Bush the loser in Florida. What the heck would the country make out of that?
If Gore got in that way, there would be a crowd outside the White House every day... chanting and throwing rotten tomatos... and maybe the Republican Central Committee wouldn't even have to pay them to do it.
Anyway, we have all come to realize that it's not really over until the swearing in.
-- Brian McLaughlin (, November 30, 2000.
[Looking at those numbers, it becomes clear how un-wildly popular GW (Mini-Me) Bush is]Looking at this sentence, it becomes clear now committed Brian is becoming. We have a tie within the limits of measurement accuracy, and Brian concludes that Bush is not popular, and carefully fails to mention that Gore is as equally not popular as we can measure. And while he's at it, Brian decides to give Bush a demeaning nickname, but Gore doesn't get one. Maybe we should call Brian Bri-baby?
[ - what with losing the popular vote and squeaking out the electoral vote by the smallest margin since Hayes took Tilden by a TKO.]
Ah, another good one. The "popular vote" Bush lost nationwide was the same as the popular vote Bush won in Florida, *except* Florida has counted absentee ballots while the rest of the nation has not -- and there are AT LEAST enough of those to swing the national popular vote to Bush. Which Bri-baby knows, but does not mention. Why not?
[Not that I think it is likely, but Mini-Me remains one unfavorable court decision away from losing the popular vote in Florida.]
Oops, the Florida popular vote isn't really the popular vote anymore in Florida (like it is where Gore won by small margins, mind you). It's really the "court's decision vote", and hinges on exactly which court allows which sources of bias in Gore's favor.
[Speaking of hypotheticals... it is not beyond conjecture that Bush could be elected President when the electors vote in a couple of weeks, and then have some court decision take away enough votes to make Bush the loser in Florida. What the heck would the country make out of that?]
And more wishful thinking, real real hard. Oh God, if ONLY a court would decide against Bush (oops, I mean Mini-Me). If ONLY someone would take those electoral votes away from him. If ONLY what looks like a done deal could only get reversed later. Please God, help me out here! I *promise* to be good and never mention that my insinuations apply even better to Gore, honest!
[If Gore got in that way, there would be a crowd outside the White House every day... chanting and throwing rotten tomatos... and maybe the Republican Central Committee wouldn't even have to pay them to do it.]
Implying that the crowds favoring Bush in Florida were paid, and that those favoring Gore were not. And with no evidence one way or the other, only insinuation and implication. So that maybe Bri-baby?) can maintain plausible deniability, and demand that I QUOTE where he said he favored Gore. Notice that Bri-baby never actually *said* they were paid, oh no.
-- Flint (, November 30, 2000.
It's only "over" as far as NewMax is concerned. Flint, you and NewsMax were wrong about Y2K, and its quite conceivable you'll be "wrong" about the 2000 election as well.
-- Ben (here@done.that), November 30, 2000.
Brian, you onced likened me to your sweet old aunt, knitting away and looking up every now and then to make comment. Well, I just put down my needles and I'm gonna slap you up side the head. What Flint said!BTW, you presumptuous person, you never apologized for stating that I "obviously never met a welfare person". You really are starting to bug me! And don't translate that to "have contempt for you". I certainly don't. Afterall you are my sweet nephew and you just need a spanking! :)
-- Maria (, November 30, 2000.
I'm awaiting a loud belch from Flint. He just ate Brian for lunch, taking large bites, swallowing them in their entirety.May I offer you a toothpick, Flint? Mint or wood-flavored?
Toss in a spanking from Maria and you've the makings of one hellish day. Hang in there.
-- Rich (, November 30, 2000.
LOL, Rich. Don't encourage him. 8-)
-- (, November 30, 2000.